part - unos

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A week earlier, Alec had been pushed into going to a house party.

"Oh, it'll be fun!"

"It'll be great!"

"Learn to live a little!"

None of his friends would let it go till he agreed. Some girl got good grades on an exam while her parents left to go wherever wealthy parents go for days at a time. Since people like her took any excuse to make a party, that's exactly what she did, and Alec thought, what really was the worst that could happen?

His friends were the same ones he'd made in his first year of secondary school, but unlike them, who grew into other social groups, he took more towards black nail polish and oversized sweaters.

8pm rolled around, and he was still scrolling on his phone. His friend sent him a message that the party was starting in 20 minutes and that he'd pick him up in 10. He sighed and got up.

"What to wear, what to wear...."

He mumbled to himself. 5 minutes later, he had on a grey Nirvana t-shirt, a black undershirt, ripped black jeans, and fishnets under them. He debated if he should throw on a pair of fingerless gloves to settle the outfit, but he decided against it. After brushing his teeth, he was putting on a new layer of black nail polish and suddenly heard beeping outside.


He ran downstairs and threw on a pair of black Converse shoes and shouted to the living room that he was leaving, his mom would've been leaving for her nightshift soon anyways and she knew he was gonna be leaving at that time but he still wanted her to know. As soon as he stepped out, his friend, Philip, was standing there. Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a light blue letter jacket.

"Jesus christ, you look like you're about to tell me not to come into school tomorrow, put on at the very least a t-shirt with some colour."

"Fine, dick."

"Hey, I'm just tryna help ya' get laid for once-!"

Alec rolled his eyes and shut the door, running back upstairs and replacing his Nirvana t-shirt with a light pink t shirt that had the outline of a mushroom on it. Still worked with the outfit and added a little colour, so he wasn't too upset about it.

"Much better"

Philip sniggered while opening the car door and gesturing for Alec to get in with a bow.

The trip in the car didn't take long, 15 minutes or so, only 5 minutes after the party should've started. Alec assumed that Philip and him would be within the first few to arrive but there was already eight cars outside of the girls house.


Alec sighed, time for one of Philips lovely pep talks.

"I'll walk you in, but your alone from there, if you get panick-y just come and find me..."

He stopped for a second looking up at the roof of his car

"Unless I'm with a girl.... then just go outside and wait in the car.

Alec looked at Philip with a sarcastic smirk, knowing damm well Philip was more into getting into a guy's pants than getting pushy at the party, but he hadn't come out yet. It was Alec's fault he got curious and peaked into Philips messages.

Once they opened the door, Alec immediately over-examined his surrounding, Trying to think of where to go first and who to try talk to. Meanwhile, Philip was already moving to the closest guy he saw. Directly in front of him was a spiral staircase going up into a second floor guarded with railings. On his left and right were two open doors that seemed to lead to a living room and a gaming room with a pool table in the middle. While standing there, dumbfounded and clueless, a girl walked up to him.

"First party?"


He responded automically but turned and froze up mid-way through the word. She was gorgeous. A red dress, a black leather jacket, black tights, and brunette hair. She giggled and grabbed his hand.

"I'll show you where the beer is, I think that's a good starting point~"

He didn't respond, but he didn't pull back, followed her while she held his hand like a puppy. While he walked past Philip, he blew a sarcastic kiss towards him and kept following the girl. When they got over to the kitchen, which was just past the living room, she let go and put a red plastic cup into his hand.

"Take as much as you want,"

She pointed into a huge bowl filled with a brown substance. She began walking away, but before she got too far, he grabbed her hand, he was surprised he did, she looked even more surprised.


He mumbled, forgetting what he was gonna say, his body acted before his head. Then it finally clicked.

"Whats your name?"

She giggled, turned back to face him and shook his hand.

"I'm Sarah, this is my party, and your.... Alex?"

He laughed sarcastically, trying to sound nonchalant but just coming out nervous.

"Alec, but close!"

They laughed together. For most of the party Alec was just on his phone scrolling through Instagram reels and sipping on the alcohol that tasted about as shit as the personality of everybody else that kept trying and failing to talk to him during the party, he must've been such a buzz kill. He decided to leave early. He couldn't find Philip, probably In a bathroom somewhere moaning some guys name. He opened the door to walk out, but before he fully did, a drink Sarah came up to him and practically collapsed onto his back, knocking him down and falling onto the concrete. She didn't have the strength to move herself up so she stayed on his back and talked into his ear alot louder than necessary.

"HEyyy, pretty boy~"
"Call me later, okaay~~??"

He mumbled. Realizing he was probably the most sober person in the property.

"I don't have your number..."

"OooOooh! Yah! Heeere~~!"

She took a pen out of one of the pockets in her jacket and scribbled a sequence of numbers onto his hand before kissing him on the cheek. Alec walked home, a red blushing mess confused at what the ever living fuck just happened, but certain that tommorow he'd call.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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