Werewolf Pack

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Chapter 1

It's night, and the moon is full, and five young campers with a six year old girl, who is a sister to one of them, laughed to each other's stories. "O! How about a scary story?" one of the boys suggested.

"Jason, we can't," the older brother of six year old told his friend. "You'll give my sister nightmares."

"It's one, about werewolves," Jason told him. "And we all know little Aruna loves stories about mythical animals." Jason pointed to the stuffed werewolf in Aruna's arms. "Especially werewolves."

"But it's true!" Aruna cried. "I do get nightmares just by hearing scary things." She squeezed her stuffed creature tight.

"Then go to bed," Jason suggested making a jester and a face.

A loud SANP, cracked behind them. They all turned their heads to the sound. "Dick ...?" Aruna's heart was beating fast.

"I got it. Just remain quiet." Dick grabbed his gun and pointed it to where sound came from.

"Might be a werewolf," Jason smirked.

"A werewolf?" Aruna asked in curiosity.

"According to my uncle, werewolves roume in this national preserve. And that his brother was bit by one."

"Wh-what?" Aruna's eyes widen in horror.

"Knock it off Jason!" the lightly skinned black girl with a long braided that with over her shoulder to the front. "You're scarring her!"

"Come ooon, Lupa," Jason ________.

"No, you're scarring her, and I wouldn't allow it."

"Guys, quiet," Dick hissed. There was rustling in the bushes, and out came ... a rabbit?


"Dick...?" Aruna said with full terror in her voice.

"Just a rabbit little sis," Dick told his sister.


Dick glared at Jason before shouting, "WHAT THE HECK, JASON?!" he demanded. "SCARRING MY SISTER LIKE THAT?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"

"Calm down, I was just missing around with her."

"Aruna is six years old, Jason," one of the other boy reminded him who's hair was lightly blond.

"Really Hunter? You too?" Jason asked.

"She's a child, Jason," a girl with a black pixie cut and white dyed ends said in ___________.

"I think I want to go to bed now," Aruna announced.

"Alright," Dick sighed. He took Aruna to their tent, tucked her and said, "And Aruna."

"Yeah, Dick?"

"Werewolves, are just myths. They're not real."


After Dick zipped the tent, he said in gritted teeth, "Jason, how could you just do that? She's my sister."

"You know me Dick. And why did you even bring her?" Jason asked.

"Because, our mom is out of town." Dick told him. "And other thing is-" a snap echoed loudly.

"What was that?!" Aruna called inside her tent.

"Sorry Aruna, just trying to stop the boys."

"Okay Athena."

"How about we all go to bed, for Aruna's sake," Hunter suggested.

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