Chapter 40

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The next morning, Seokjin woke up early and he was about to get water when he saw Taehyung on the kitchen, looking for something.

"Are you hungry?" He asked Taehyung with a sleepy voice.

"Why do you even care? As if you know how to cook if I say I am." Taehyung said not even looking at him.

"I can cook for you." Seokjin offered.

Taehyung was surprised and turned to look at Seokjin. "You can only eat what was cooked for you by that short guy." He said.

"Short guy? Oh! Jiminie-hyung? You should call him hyung instead of small guy. He can slash your neck without you even noticing it." Seokjin said and Taehyung gulped hard feeling suddenly a slash as he touched it.

"Stop scaring me." Taehyung said to Seokjin who passed by him and took some ingredients from the cabinet. "What are you doing?"

"I told you, I will cook for you." Seokjin said.

"Never mind. You might just burn the kitchen."

"I know how to cook, unlike you, obviously. Jungkook and Jimin taught me how to cook in case I get hungry and both of them are not around. I always choose the things to buy for groceries, too." Seokjin said as he opened the fridge and took some meat and vegetables.

Seokjin put down the food on the counter and stretches his hands as he yawned.

Taehyung watches him, hoping his brother won't burn the house down.

"Next time, I will tell Jiminie-hyung to keep food in the fridge. If you get hungry, at least you can just reheat it." Seokjin said as he started washing the vegetables he will use for whatever he will make. "You can stay in the living room, this will just be quick."

Instead of going to the living room, he sat at the bar, overlooking what his brother is doing.

He was amazed how Seokjin is just doing things as if he is used to it, even though he never saw him touch the kitchen eversince he arrived at the place.

"Oh, Seokjin's cooking?" A voice behind said.

Taehyung looked at him and saw Jimin. He suddenly got scared so he gulped and just answered. "Y-yes." Taehyung said, touching his neck.

"Are you okay? Are you thirsty?" He asked him when he saw Taehyung.

"N-no." Taehyung said as he slowly moved away from Jimin but the other just shrugged at him.

"Jinnie, what are you cooking?" Jimin asked as he went to Seokjin who still look sleepy.

"Good morning, Jiminie-hyung!" He said looking at Jimin with a smile. "I am making bibimbap for Taehyung. It's the quickest food I can make." He said while yawning and slicing the vegetables he just washed while he cooks the meat.

"Oh, okay. How about for you? What would you like to eat?"

"I will make enough for us all, hyung. Don't worry. You can rest for today while I prepare our breakfast."

"Okay, Jinnie. Any help you need?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, the rice!" Seokjin said. "I did not cook anything yet."

"Let me do it." Jimin said.

"Thank you." Seokjin said as he smiled at him.

Taehyung watched their interaction, he felt different as he looked at Seokjin preparing his food which no one actually did before except their maids at home.


"You may now eat." Seokjin said with a smile.

That smile that Taehyung feels so innocent and naive. That smile that he would always want to see as they are getting special for him.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now