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So about 5 minutes ago, I opened Wattpad and I saw this in my notifications:

I'm not even gonna black out their name because they don't deserve to be protected after this kind of comment

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I'm not even gonna black out their name because they don't deserve to be protected after this kind of comment.

This is absolutely disgusting. Pardon my language, but what the hell gives some people the right to do shit like this

Now, if this person meant to write this on someone else's page, that's one thing. I would appreciate an apology for the misunderstanding

But after everything that's been happening since February, I have a few ideas of who this could be.

So for anyone who has unfortunately seen this, I would like to clear some things up:

1: "You think playing the victim will erase what you did"

I have been trying to just move past all of this ever since it started back in February. And there are two sides to every story. You might know one side, but you don't know the other side, and what I've been through. I've literally had old friends get random strangers online, possibly older men, to stalk my YouTube and TikTok. Imagine how scary that would feel if you were in my situation

2: "Not only did you delete comments of people calling you out,"

No one called me out on anything. By saying this, I'd imagine they're referring to all the comments of things like "you know why you get the hate you get", and calling me things like swear words. Again, there are two sides to every story. If there was a misunderstanding or someone thought something had happened with me, I am fully open to explaining the situation. On all my posts and videos and stories about all this bullying crap, I've always said that if anyone has any questions, they are more than welcome to ask and I will gladly explain the situation to them.

3: "Keeping comments mentioning that they are going to assault your ex-friend (comment was removed due to people reporting it)"

This is actually one I can explain easily. When one of my old friends started posting crap about me on TikTok, I had made a post on here venting about it. My followers were there to support me, which I appreciate so much. Someone came to my defense on this post, saying something very aggressive and triggering. And while I know they wanted to defend me, I did find the comment unacceptable. I didn't notice it right away but when I did, I was the one who deleted it, not Wattpad. I would absolutely never ever allow people to mention acts of violence or death threats on my page in a non-joking way. If you're talking about a villain character in one of my stories and you say something like "agh, I wanna punch them" or "I'm gonna hunt them down" (e.g. with Zoey from The Music Freaks in my stories), then I get it, get mad at the characters in a joking way. But do not EVER post rude threats, violence, death threats, slurs, or anything offensive or severely unkind on my page

4: "You also started the drama in the first place" what?

Being upset? Venting to people like my family, friends and followers, knowing they'd support me?

Venting to people about things bothering you and having a good cry once in a while, is so much healthier than bottling things up inside. The reason I vented/ranted about things going on, is because I needed support from trusted loved ones in what was happening, and I wanted time and different healthy methods to help me process things that had been happening with my life outside of the world of Wattpad stories

5: "You also sexualize minors"

When?? I'd like to know, one example that could be seen as even an implication that I sexualized minors in one of my stories. If someone would like to point out a possible implication to me that could be seen as raunchy to some viewers, I can explain it fully. I would never, EVER, in a million years do something as disgusting and wrong and horrible as sexualizing minors. Hell, sexualizing ANYONE is absolutely wrong, but ESPECIALLY when it's minors. That is an absolutely horrible, horrendous, shameful thing to accuse someone of



I really am hoping that no one hates me for this. One of my biggest fears is someone accusing me of something online, my followers and supporters believing them, and then me being known of something I was wrongly accused of forever

I haven't been active much on here in forever, aside from a few community posts, due to not only stress from school and the musical I've been in...

But also from the fear of hate comments left on my stories or posts, or more cyberbullying on here, or just anything that started in February continuing further on here. I'm actually shocked I even have to write something like this. I never thought I'd have to back myself up for false accusations, but here we are. I'm literally shaking and almost crying as I'm typing this and more terrified beyond believe than I ever have felt before of what is gonna come after this

To anyone who sees this post on this story, please share it with others who follow me in case they don't see it on here

As for the person who wrote that comment, literally on my COMMUNITY POSTS FOR ALL MY FOLLOWERS TO SEE

If you happen to see this, I would just like to say that I am absolutely disgusted, shocked, and ashamed you have accused me of such horrendous things and said such atrocious things about me

To my followers who have been supporting me through all the cyberbullying and issues I've been having, I would just like to say thank you again for all the love and support you have given me. It's truly appreciated and it makes me feel so happy to know that there are a few, and in some cases so many, nice people in the world outside of family members

I say again, if anyone, and I mean ANYONE wants an explanation for anything, I will be more than happy to give you an explanation. Anything about the cyberbullying, the hate comments, the stalking online, the rumors...any of it. So long as you ask me in a calm civilized manner, I promise you I will explain it to you

I'll see you all in my next story or post, whenever that is💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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