Chapter III

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"How could you lose your cell phone?".

"I'm sorry, stop scolding me". Aera complained as she let go of Suho's hand with a pout, both of them walking towards the comic store after he arrived home worried because she hadn't responded to a single message.

"You came home late, right? Aera, I told you that I don't like it when you stay out so late, much less if you go shopping, someone can rob you and do something bad to you". Suho said, in fact, he had been scared when he saw that she was not answering his messages, it was not normal for Aera, so, without thinking much, the boy went home early the next morning, meeting the girl, still sleepy and in pajamas.

Aera thought that the scolding would end at breakfast, where he gave her a whole lecture about why going shopping very late was not an activity that she should do alone, due to all the worry that he had gone through thinking that something bad had happened to her. "Yah, it wasn't my fault I almost got run over, Seo..." The girl stopped immediately, pursing her lips as she entered the place, noticing the empty reception.

"Run over!? What... Aera... What did you do last night?". Suho asked, impressed, almost terrified upon hearing that statement.

"Nothing! Listen, I was walking home when a motorcycle almost ran me over..." She omitted the part where she was reunited with Seojun, for a peaceful evening, Suho raised his eyebrows and ran his eyes over the girl's body, looking for any wounds, not finding nothing, he relaxed a little, but still with that bitter feeling in his throat when he thought of Aera in the hospital, with blows on her body and face. "But I'm fine, nothing happened to me, darling". The girl said, hugging him around his waist while she put her head on his chest, listening to the taller's irregular heartbeat.

She knew that action was gonna convince him.

And so it did, Suho just sighed, wrapping his arms around her neck, pulling her closer to him to give her a tight hug and place a kiss on her head. "Don't hide those kinds of things from me again... And please, when you're out on the street very late, and you don't have a way to get home, call me, I'll come get you".

The girl nodded, standing up from him with a smile, feeling his nose caress her forehead, she laughed softly before turning around to first enter the hallways full of comic books, she knew that Suho liked to read in the place, which was why she had brought her sketchbook and water bottle.

She had planned to have one of those afternoons, where both of them spent time together, although not exactly focused on the other.

Her steps stopped when she saw a girl on a small staircase, looking for a book. "Uh, hello!" She greeted kindly, seeing how the girl turned to look at her and opened her eyes wide and then turned around and put the book in her face.

"Something happens?" Suho asked, reaching his girlfriend's side, who only shrugged as she shook her head. He looked straight ahead, and he didn't know how, but he recognized that girl immediately.


"Why are you up there?" He asked, earning a curious look from his girlfriend upon hearing how he spoke to her so informally. Did he know her?

"I'm just looking for a book".

Suho nodded, pursing his lips before putting his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. Suddenly, he had been feeling a little playful. "So could you pass me a book?" The girl nodded and began to point and Suho simply told her "next" until Aera touched his back to stop his from playing with the girl, who, innocently, wanted to help him, he nodded. "How long are you going to play dumb? You know me right?"

Aera looked at the girl, who suddenly felt her legs tremble, from one moment to the next, she was falling on her back, Suho, out of inertia, ran towards her, holding her before she fell to the ground, Aera left her worried expression when she noticed as both boys looked into each other's eyes in silence.

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