Chapter VII

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"Why do I have to go look for that? Mr. Shin asked you, Taehoo".

Aera complained once again as her friend pushed her up the stairs quickly. "Because I have to go show my talent". The boy said, pushing her once more before moving his hand in her direction. "It's a medium-sized box, it has a letter M written in red, you just have to take it down and give it to Mr. Shin, nothing more".

Taehoo pinched the girl's cheek before blowing her a kiss with his hand and running out of the place, the black-haired girl sighed tiredly, but still decided to go up to the roof to look for the damn box, maybe that way I can clear my mind for a moment , she thought, her head had been moving around all those nights that Suho had met that girl, at least, the ones she had witnessed, she didn't want to imagine the ones she hadn't heard about.

Suho had not even written her a text, her cell phone had already been returned by Seojun, and Suho knew it, of course he did not know that Seojun had had it all this time, but even so, he had not sent her a message, a call, nothing, he didn't even get close to her at school, and it's not that he was clingy, but usually, Aera would think that he would try to show her some kind of affection since they had had an argument, but nothing, absolutely nothing.

But she was determined to no longer be the one to make the first move to fix things, not again, and certainly not after seeing so many reasons to be upset.

She wasn't the one who had to apologize anyway.

Her hands pushed the door to the roof, tilting her head to the side as she felt a sudden pain in her eyes due to the strong sun that hit them without warning, however, her steps did not stop, she continued on her way until she saw the large number of wooden boxes that were in the place.

They all had a letter written in red, she didn't understand the reason, but even so, she continued looking for the one she had to take to Mr. Shin, when she found it, she grimaced, seeing the number of boxes that were above it, sighing, the the girl crouched down, thankful that it had something to pull it from, because she did, although perhaps it wasn't the best idea because the boxes on top of it fell to one side, making a loud noise.

She looked at the mess she had made, wondering if she should clean it up or not, looking to her side to make sure there wasn't someone who would accuse her later, her eyes stopped on a couple that was sitting there, they seemed to be having a quiet food, however, that was not what caught her attention, it was the fact of meeting those two people.

Suho opened his eyes when he saw Aera standing there, with a box in her hands, looking at them, the girl lowered her eyes to the brunette, Jukyeong, who had a spoon extended towards Suho and looked at the scene the same, almost trembling, fear in her eyes, Aera ran her eyes over both of them before letting out a sarcastic giggle, squeezing the box in her hands, the girl walked towards them, Suho got out of his seat immediately, ready to go towards her but his steps stopped when he saw her give them a smile. "If anyone comes and asks about the mess, it was Taehoo". she said before walking towards the door that led right to the other pair of stairs. "Ah... Enjoy the food".

Aera said without looking at them, still walking towards the stairs, where she stopped when she reached the middle of them, expecting to hear quick footsteps or her name being called, it wasn't like that.

This time, Suho hadn't stopped her.


"I didn't send you pizza today, you still owe me the previous one, but I know you like spicy teokbokki... And my advice, look for a sun, Sinag, not an ugly cloud."

Seojun had found out what had happened on the roof, of course it wasn't her who told him, well, maybe so, but Eunyang, one of his friends, ran towards him when he saw Aera with shiny eyes and a large box coming down from the roof, and minutes later, Suho with the new girl came down from the same place.

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