Chapter IX

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— Get off my table.

— I was thinking, pretty Sinag... — The girl looked up, leaning her back on the chair she was sitting in, looking at the boy carefully.

—That doesn't seem to be good.

— Yah, thinking to make plans with you and thinking about exams occupy a different amount of energy in my head, they are called priorities...— He murmured, hearing the girl laugh before his attention focused on a conversation behind him .

In the end, Jukyeong had indeed gone out with that boy on the blind date, and he was sure that Suho had followed her, he could bet. —What a way to reject someone. How can you be rejected so quickly? — Seojun laughed after saying that, listening to the short-haired girl read the text messages that boy had sent to her friend, her laughter suddenly stopped when she felt a blow on Seojun's leg. she. — Oh, why?

Aera put her finger on his mouth, signaling silence, making him pout and obey. Aera didn't like those kinds of jokes, she didn't usually make those kinds of comments, she didn't like making fun of a girl like that.

Although she never experienced that type of teasing, she used to talk to the girls who did, so, putting herself in their place, she wouldn't like to be told something like that either.

The girl sighed before hearing the bell ring that started class, so she pushed Seojun out of his table, he stood up laughing, leaning down, squeezed the older girl's cheeks before running to his seat, walking away when He sat down, knowing that a blow awaited him. - Nice try.


— Aera... Do you want to stop please? I've been asking you for a while.

Aera stopped, she really didn't really want to talk to Suho, she didn't know the reason, she just felt a little uncomfortable even thinking about starting a conversation with the boy. Much more so after finding out that he had left the academy, that she had not taken her exam for which she canceled his departure. - Good. She - This she stopped to look at him, turning around, he almost collided with her body. —How did she do on the exam?

- Suddenly? - He asked, seeing the grimace on the girl's face, he swallowed. — Well, I turned out very well.

Lie, lie, what did you do last night?

That's great, congratulations. —This she smiled, clenching her hands into fists at her side. — But now I have some things to do, can we talk later?

—No, what's wrong with you? We were fine yesterday and... - He stopped, denying, closing his eyes for a moment. —Can I just know since when you have become so close to Seojun? They even look like children running after each other is... Ridiculous. — He murmured the last thing, earning a serious look from Aera.

- What are you talking about? —This she asked, looking at him seriously. —We were close before.

— No, he was close to you, there is a slight difference between being close and someone getting very close to you. — Suho explained, approaching the girl, tilting his head in some annoyance.

- That makes no sense.

— Seojun liked you before he went abroad, that's why he was the one close to you, Aera. — The girl drank, she was aware of that, she always saw Seojun approach her with kindness, a smile on his face, he was the one who encouraged her to join his friends' outings, but he never tried anything with her, at least , not until the day he left.

— Suho, we talked about this before, they were friends, he did what I would do with my friends' boyfriends, be nice because I want a healthy relationship between everyone, okay?

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