Chapter 1: Another bad Future being taken over

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Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new story. I know I need to update my other stories, but this one I just thought in my head. What if in an alternate universe of The Fairly Oddparents Abra catastrophe. Mr. Crocker has won and taken over Dimmesdale. 20 years later and destroyed Timmy Turner after Timmy revealed his secret about having fairies to his parents. Don't worry, a certain someone from season 10, will travel back in time to prevent, Timmy's death defeat, Mr. Crocker, and save the bad future from ever happening

Chapter 1. Another bad future being taken over

Dimmsdale 20 years into the future...

"Ahhhhh!" All of the people of Dimmsdale, screamed in terror while running for their lives away from the new new ruler of the town. Mr. Denzel Crocker himself. He was wearing a black leather jacket, with the letter "F" on it, and was also driving a Motorcycle, that all white in the front and back. The handles that were designed to look like the same letter, was spray painted red. This new version of Dimmsdale California, was changed.

20 years ago at Timmy's house...

After Crocker finally defeated Timmy by using the magic muffin and wished that Timmy died, "What a cruel thing to wish for" But than again, Timmy was his worst student in his class. Mr. and Mrs. Turner held a funeral for their son at a church with Timmy's closest friends and enemies. Cosmo and Wanda didn't want to leave Timmy's house due to what happened to Timmy. So, Jorgan, the toughest fairy in the universe decided to have Cosmo and Wanda live in Dimmsdale as fairies and grant every child that was sad, or Miserable wishes. Including Vicky.

But there is one child that really missed Timmy the most... And that's Chloe Mother Theresa Neil Armstrong Carmichael. You see Since nobody wanted Cosmo and Wanda, After Timmy Turner's death, Chloe was the only child to be assigned to Cosmo and Wanda. But since Timmy wasn't around to share Cosmo and Wanda with Chloe, Tootie and Chloe would be the ones to share the fairies together.

The girls had a bunch of wishes to make over the years. The girls even wished that Cosmo and Wanda had a baby and that baby turned out to be non-other than baby poof. Even Sparky joined in later on. But they still missed Timmy so very much.

"Hey, Chloe and Tootie!" The two fairies Cosmo and Wanda exclaimed in unions.

"Hey, guys!" The girls said as they saw their fairies Cosmo, Wanda and their god brother baby Poof.

"So, girls, what do you guys want to do?" Wanda asked.

The girls, Tootie, and Chloe, started to think for a minute then they both had an idea together.

"We wish we had our magic time scooter!" Chloe exclaimed in unison as Cosmo and Wanda spit out their of drinks coffee.

"Sweetie, Why do you want us to wash up both of your time Scooter's? Is there a reason?" Wanda asked nervously.

"Yes, we want to change the timeline by saving Timmy turner." Tootie told them.

"Poof, poof?" Poof questioned as he didn't know Timmy.

"Girls, we can just change the timeline I mean that might cause a change in the space time continuum. Tootie , you may not remember having us as your fairies and Chloe same thing goes for you too. I'm sorry." Wanda told us.

"You didn't let me finish woman, if we save Timmy Turner, then can we keep our memories of you guys and the three of us can have fun together?" Chloe asked as a loud boom came out of nowhere with a touch of smoke and the toughest fairy in the universe Jorgan Von Strangle appeared.

"Oh great ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages please welcome the Tempest fairy in the universe Jorgan Von Strangle." Cosmo said.

"Chloe Mother Teresa Neil Armstrong Carmichael, you as Tootle can't just take your time scooter and change on what Crocker did to Timmy." Jorgan told them.

"Well, that isn't a rule saying that we can't do that now is there?" Tootie wanted to know as the big rule book came popping up.

"She's right there isn't a rule for that." Wanda confirmed.

"Alright, but after Timmy has been saved, your memory of this timeline will be erased." Jorgan said.

"But Jorgan we want to keep our memories! Okay, you can erase the part where we both saw Timmy's hat falling down to the ground part, and the rest of the bad memories of this timeline. But you are not going to erase the memory of Cosmo Wanda and POOF! Also, we would like to keep our memories of our friendship a.k.a. me and Tootle. Even if the three of us have to put up with Vicky, then fine." Chloe ordered.

"Deal!" Jorgan said.

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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