51| 𝘒𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥

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5 hours later. 


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WHERE. IS. MY. WIFE?”  I snarled, my heart consumed by a mix of anger and pain.

 My Rika, the love of my life, was nowhere to be found. 

“ANSWER.” I bellowed at the group of incompetent bodyguards, their failure to protect my wife fueling my rage. It was their responsibility, and they had let her slip through their fingers.

“Wasn't it your responsibility to protect your wife?” My own mind taunted me with a piercing question. The weight of my failure to keep her safe was crushing.

“Sir... We don't... know. The car vanished into thin air, and we couldn't find the driver either.” One of the guards stammered, his voice trembling with fear. Their incompetence only fueled my anger further.

“Abhi, I've contacted the commissioner to investigate this matter. Stay calm.” Rishi's voice echoed in the hall, but his words didn't change anything. 

Where are you, love?

Hospital. Her message. And now this. She had visited the hospital, but when I inquired, even the doctor she had an appointment with had disappeared. The uncertainty gnawed at my soul.

If only I could turn back time and never let her leave my side. Regret and helplessness consumed me, as I longed to undo the events that led to her disappearance.

“We love you, bohat sara.” Her message from two hours ago echoed in my mind. The mention of 'we' puzzled me, but one thing was certain - my love for her surpassed anything else. I love her more. More than anything and everything. 

I felt utterly helpless, drowning in a sea of worry. My family shared my anguish, with my father desperately using his connections to find any leads. But it seemed like there was no way out.

Even with my powers, I felt utterly useless. 

Those damn powers had become nothing but a curse, as they failed to provide any answers about my love's whereabouts.

I tried everything, exhausting every option, yet I remained clueless. The weight of my failure pressed down on me, suffocating my spirit.

My heart ached, burdened by the absence of my life. We couldn't trace the car or her phone. It felt as if her disappearance had been meticulously planned, haunting my very soul.

I wanted to scream, to cry, to unleash my fury upon, but I couldn't. Because, the only person, who used to be my solace in the dark depths of the web, is nowhere to be found. 

 I have countless foes, yet none possess the courage to confront me in battle. 

But now, where is my wife? I implore you, Shiv Ji, protect her. 

The commissioner entered, his face etched with concern. 

“We have found nothing, Mr. Malhotra, we are doing our best.” My anger surged hearing this commissioner, who is nothing but useless.

𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘵𝘩, 𝘔𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 |✓Where stories live. Discover now