Sun and Earth

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Was listening to this song while writing:0



.5 Years Ago.

The morning sun was peaceful, especially compared to the atrocious heatstrokes it would blast onto earth after humanity awakened every morning, now still only grazing behind the ginormous maroon canyons Romeo had yet to get accustomed to. 

It was difficult not to think about Mexico, about his old home and all the memories it held. His mom had promised him a better life here, but as for now that was difficult to believe. Because right now, all Romeo could truly think of was the stone-solid mattress he had spent the night on and the squeaky clean white walls that lined the empty house. Any signs of life were long gone, it seemed. An elderly couple lived a few houses down, but they didn't exactly fit Romeo's idea of a new friend. In fact, he hadn't seen a single person his age so far, and school wouldn't start for another month or so. Besides, it would be nice to make at least one friend before being thrown into the deep end that was a new school, although Romeo wouldn't be surprised if the school wasn't much bigger than his old one, which barely fit 50 students. 

A small hummingbird speared past Romeo, seemingly squeaking out a high-pitched apology as it clumsily redirected its pace toward a patch of purple flowers. Romeo chuckled, zooming his eyes back into focus; into the real world. If he had to name something positive about his apparent new life, it had to be the environment. I mean, have you seen those mountains? And the big tree on the front porch, maybe Dad and I could hang a sw

Romeo's thoughts got cut short when his attention fell on a boy, whose eyes were focused on a notebook as he sat against the tree. Again?! Yesterday's memories came floating back, and Romeo was certain he hadn't dreamt it. He chewed at his lip, contemplating whether or not he should test his luck again, seeing as the boy hadn't seemed very talkative last time. Then, he realized that this could be his chance to make a friend, a very cool one. There weren't many people that knew of Gorillaz, as far as Romeo was aware at least. But the graphic t-shirt loosely hanging from the nape of the boy's neck said otherwise. 

The damp grass soaked through the fabric of Romeo's run-down sneakers as he -once again- made his way to the mysterious boy with pretty black hair. With a shaky sigh, Romeo crouched down, careful not to get his ass wet, and plastered on the most polite smile he could. He gave the boy a gentle tap on the shoulder and cleared his throat. 

The boy jerked his head up with a loud gasp, staring at Romeo for a few seconds before his expression morphed into that of pure annoyance. He scoffed, paused the player of his mp3, and then blankly stared at Romeo. 

Okay, just proceed how you usually would. "Hi, I don't think I've properly introduced myself. I'm Romeo, me and my parents moved here yesterday," Romeo said with a bright smile, his hand stuck out for the boy to shake. He tried his best not to cringe at his thick accent curling around each word he spoke; it was something he had to work on. 

The boy raised his brows, knitting them together in thought. After a few highly awkward moments of silence, he glanced up at Romeo. "Your name is Romeo? Like the—"

"—Yes, like the William Shakespeare story." It was protocol at this point. Anytime Romeo introduced himself, the other person just had to mention Shakespeare. And if their name started with a J...Boy, was he in for a long ride. Romeo tried to maintain a smile, but it was getting difficult with that intense stare holding him down. 

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