Gotham's Gargoyle Gala

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There's a week left until the summer break starts on the first day of June.

It has been a good couple of days since the festival's announcement, its name being "Gotham's Gargoyle Gala", the name signifying Gotham and its rich history.

The news of Gotham & Metropolis' huge-scaled festival sent a wave of excitement crashing through both cities. Forget a one-week celebration – a whopping two weeks were dedicated to the festivities, ensuring everyone, students and visitors alike, could experience the magic.

Students, the heart and soul of the celebration, were the driving force behind the preparations. A feverish energy buzzed through both cities. In classrooms, the rhythmic clatter of construction paper replaced the usual drone of lectures. Art supplies vanished like smoke bombs, replaced by a glitter-fueled arms race and enough paint to rival a Jackson Pollock masterpiece. 

Gotham, known for its brooding facade, was buzzing with a different kind of energy. 

Gotham is getting prepared. No doubt about that.

Classrooms resembled creative warzones, fueled by excited students armed with endless cups of coffee and boundless enthusiasm. Art supplies vanished faster than a magician's act, replaced by a glitter bomb and enough paint to rival a Jackson Pollock masterpiece. The infectious energy wasn't confined to classrooms – it spilled out onto the streets, electrifying the entire city.

Hotels in Gotham filled up at breakneck speed, with Metropolis residents booking rooms faster than you could say "Batarang!"

Meanwhile, Metropolis schools scrambled to secure accommodations for their students, ensuring they didn't miss out on the festival experience. 

For this wasn't just a celebration; it was a cultural exchange, a vibrant bridge built between the two iconic cities and the start...

of a new friendship...

End of Chapter X | Gotham's Gargoyle Gala
Word count: 285

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