Prologue - The Charred Fields

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"[Zeus]: Sword Slash!"

"[Fire Nexus]: Sharpen Arrow!"

As the sun sets in the sky, a flash of light shines brightly as grasses are sliced and blown away charred at the edge. A boy no older than 12 gets launched several feet backward before smacking into a tree.

"Ouch, couldn't you have gone a bit softer?". A man wearing a forest green colored cloak on top of a sleeveless purple tunic and black baggy pants approaches the downed boy.

"You asked me to up the training difficulty, why are you complaining now? Or are you finally realizing that you've gone over your head, especially with that strawberry-looking outfit?" the man asked with an innocent smile while his coal-black shoulder hair swayed to the side.

"You used second-tier magic against me! How was I supposed to defend against that with first-tier magic?!" The boy exclaimed.

He lay on the tree trunk, his vibrant but messy green hair swinging in the wind, his red tunic ripped with the arms sleeves rolled up to show his arms, there on the arms, faint red lines slowly started to fade away from the wrist to the shoulder on both arms like a crest. Six magical circles can be seen fading away, almost looking like it's been cracked and turning into dust, there are three on each arm going through it, one on the wrist, one on the elbow, and one below the shoulder. He wore black baggy pants similar to the man, though he lacked a cloak to go with his red tunic.

The man reaches his hand toward the kid "Need a hand down there? Or are you just gonna stay there for the next few hours? Dinner's in a few minutes, if you don't want it I can take your part."

Grabbing the open hand, the kid lifts himself up. "I'd like to have my dinner. Thank you, you, however, you, should hurry up and go back to help around with setting stuff up, I'll quickly change into something more comfortable, thanks for the training, Nilrem."

Behind them, a moderately sized house is shown, and then an older woman's voice is heard yelling out toward the open field "Hey! Aris, Nilrem dinner's ready, if you guys don't hurry up I'll let Enya eat both your portions!"

The boy, Fotaris, chuckles to himself lightly before walking ahead toward the house, leaving Nilrem behind who continues to ponder something near the tree, after a few seconds he nods his head as if to confirm a question to himself before calling out to Fotaris.

"You know, you should probably stop trying to power through stuff, it's not gonna work all the time, especially against someone that is stronger than you or can counter you. Your previous complaint on how you couldn't defend yourself against my attack because it was a tier higher isn't entirely founded, you shouldn't have tried to fight it head-first, your fire arrows could have changed the trajectory of my wind slashes allowing you to doge, think of a way to work around it." He said as he shrugs his shoulder

Fotaris pauses for a moment, before turning around toward Nilrem with a smirk

"Got it, so basically think outside the box right?"

Before Nilrem could reply however a small red blur smacks into Fotaris's chest sending him back a few feet however he doesn't fall and kinda just slides a bit backward. Fotaris gives a small soft smile forgetting about all the soot on his tunic.

"Enya! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside getting ready to eat dinner, Why's mom letting you out this late?"

Her rosy mid-back length hair sways backward as she looks up toward Fotaris, her ruby color eyes staring into Fotaris's similar ruby-colored eyes, a radiant smile on her face. She lets go of him, moving backward, her height being a bit smaller than Fotaris's due to her being three years younger.

"Mom said that you two were taking too long, so I volunteered to go get the both of you! I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important between you and Nilrem."

Nilrem walks towards the siblings, locking Enya in a soft headlock, her rosy hair getting messed up a bit

"Nah, you didn't interrupt anything too important, anyway, how's my favorite little Cousin doing? Have you gotten better at controlling your Nexus crest? We don't want to repeat a similar situation to last time when it went out of control and you almost started a forest fire."

"Hey!" yelled the siblings in retribution

Getting out of the headlock, Enya fixes her hair and dusts off her sleeveless green tunic and her black skirt with her fingerless gloved hand. After cleaning herself, she looks toward Nilrem with a small pout on her face, her arms point toward Nilrem and light up with red lines, and her eyes start to glow red, making her ruby eyes more vibrant

"Hump, how about I test the control of my Nexus crest on you! See if you'd like to be cheeky when you're a flaming torch!"

The Nexus crest on her arms lights up, three magical circles start to expand outward from her arms, the magic circles on her right wrist and below her right shoulder start to slowly spin right, while the one on her elbow spins left, the other arm is spinning the opposite way. The magical circle on the left wrist and below the left shoulder starts to spin left, while the magical circle on her elbow spins right. Fotaris approaches Enya while Nilrem slowly backs away, his hand in the air and a cautious smile on his lips.

"Now, aren't you acting a tad bit rash? No need to give me a front-seat view of your control over your crest, let's just talk this out and have a civilized conversation."

The only response he got back was a glare from the girl and the magical circle spinning faster, the heat started to radiate from her palm, and the air there started to distort around like in a desert.

Responding to this, Nilrem sighs in defeat, however, he continues to smirk, "I guess I should have let bygones be bygones?"

Activating his Nexus crest, unlike the other two, green lines start to climb from his wrist to his shoulder much faster than Enya's did, his emerald eyes glow in the dark, and the air begins to build up in his palm.

"Wind Nexus: Invisible Cloak!"

A rush of air envelopes him, almost knocking Enya and Fotaris off their feet, the air distorts the way the light bounces off Nilrem, and the raging wind covers him in a blanket leaving the place he previously remained in vacant.

Releasing an annoyed breath, Enya deactivates her Nexus crest, behind her, Fotaris walks up and ruffles her hair a bit.

"That was an impressive amount of magical reservoir you displayed there, it definitely eclipsed my own when I was your age."

Enya looks up toward Fotaris, "Still, I can't control it as well as you can, it's like opening a floodgate but I can't control the amount or how much water is coming out, unlike you"

Sighing, Fotaris walks forward towards the house, "You just need more practicing in controlling the flow of your Kana, you'll eventually catch up to me or beat me eventually if you keep it up, don't be discouraged"

Enya allows a small smile to appear on her face, she runs up ahead to intercept Sol, before letting a full radiant smile blossom on her face.

"Thanks for the encouragement Aris, I'll keep it in mind"

She runs ahead, not bothering to tidy her hair back up, and leaving Fotaris behind.

Fotaris stands still for a moment, a bit stunned, before letting another small smile show on his face, 'Stop moving head-first huh? It feels so natural to do so, but I'll figure something out, I won't drag them down, I'll do everything to be useful!'

Fotaris closes his eyes, nodding to himself as he starts to speed up toward the house. They did stay out a bit longer than they were supposed to, even after they were called, hopefully, he doesn't get into too much trouble.

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