dare 87 ask 45

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Arcee: Again?!

Me: Yes, now deal with it. 

Blair: I like planes. 

Shockwave: It would be logical for Starscream to transform into one. 

Starscream: Why me?

Dreadwing: I will as well. 

Starscream and Dreadwing: *transform* 

Blair: Oh! Planes!

Blair: I like Starscream more. 

Dreadwing: What? Why!

Wheeljack: *laughing*


Me: In the meantime we will do the ask. Everyone shout out your crush' name. 

Arcee: What? Why!

Me: It's a dare/ask, just do it. 

Arcee: I refuse. 

Me: Really now? 

Arcee: What are you gonna do? Shout at me?

Me: No need for that, I have someone who will make you regret that. Tarn!

Tarn: Yes?

Arcee: Oh no... 

Me: Make her listen to your music or something, I want her alive and in one piece. 

Tarn: Better than nothing I guess. 

Arcee: No!

Me: Too late, see you at the end of the chapter. 

Me: Alright, who wants to start?

Optimus: Me I guess? 

Me: Go ahead then Optimus. 

Optimus: *blushing* Ratchet. 

Ratchet: *spits out energon* What?!

Me: What about you then Ratch?

Ratchet: *mumbles something* 

Me: What was that? I can't hear you. 

Ratchet: *a bit louder* Optimus...

Bumblebee: :;Can I be next?;:

Me: Of course Bee. 

Bumblebee: :;Smokey!;:

Smokescreen: Aww, me too Bee. 

Me: Cute, anyways. Ultra Magnus, you're next. 

Ultra Magnus: Optimus...

Optimus: I apologize commander. 

Ultra Magnus: I understand sir. 

Wheeljack: Boring!

Me: Then who is your crush Wheeljack?

Wheeljack: Arcee...

Me: Well since she isn't here you won't know her reply until the end, but if you're lucky she'll like you back. 

Bulkhead: Should I go next?

Me: Yes, go ahead. 

Bulkhead: Well I also got a crush on Arcee. 

Starscream: How fun, two Autobots fighting over a femme. 

Blair: No!! My plane!!

Starscream: I'm coming!

Me: So Starscream?

Starscream: Knockout, now can I go?

Me: Yes, go back to Blair. 

Breakdown: Back of Screamer, Knockout is mine. 

Knockout: You know, I like both of you. 

Me: Damn, see there is no reason to fight. 

Breakdown: I guess...

Me: Anyways, who's next?

Shockwave: Me, and it would be illogical to have a crush on anyone. 

Me: If you say so. 

Soundwave: Megatron. 

Megatron: Me too Soundwave. 

Me: I ship it. 

Dreadwing: I guess I will go next, no one. 

Me: Understandable. 

Airachnid: I might have a small crush on Megatron. 

Me: Damn...

Predaking: I have a crush on Starscream. 

Starscream: What the hell? 

Me: Okayyy, next! 

Skylynx: Why would I have a crush?

Darksteel: Exactly!

Blair: Weird crushes. 

Me: Yeah I agree. But whatever. Next!

Miko: *blushing* Jack.

Jack: Sierra. 

Raf: No one. 

Me: Sounds troublesome Miko. 

June: Agent Fowler. *blushing*

Jack: I knew it!

Fowler: June. *blushing*

Knockout: I ship it. 

Bumblebee: *nods in agreement*

Me: Okay, since we're nearly at the end let's get Arcee back here. Tarn!

Tarn: Coming! I made her listen to my music for ages and told her some stories. 

Arcee: It was horrible...

Me: Now you know what happens when you don't do any of the dares or answer any of the asks. 

Me: So? Who is your crush?

Arcee: Wheeljack...

Bulkhead: How could you?!

Wheeljack: Yes!

Me: Don't start fighting please guys. 

Bulkhead: It's all his fault. 

Tarn: *eating popcorn* 

Me: Tarn...

Tarn: Yes?

Me: Stop eating popcorn and learn them not to fight each other. 

Tarn: Alright. *throws popcorn away*

Me: Oh and I do need them in one piece for the next dare. 

Tarn: Damn, oh well. I guess you can't have everything. 

Me: Alright then. Blair time to go home. 

Blair: Aww. 

Me: Say bye to everyone. 

Blair: Bye!

ask and dare the transformers [requests closed]Where stories live. Discover now