My Hero

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     Misako was silent at dinner that evening.  The students were exhausted and unhappy, having to cook their own meals completely.  Todoroki and Misako ignited fires of wood-burning stovetops.  Nobody asked about the power, the boys too tired and the girls too scared.  
     She was silent as she cleanly sliced fish and rolled out slabs of dough.  Her hands worked efficiently to make neat creations.  They all chalked it up to her being less tired than them, as she'd skipped basically every activity.  
     As dinner finished up, she sat alone on a separated bench, her sharp teeth digging into pieces of jerky she pulled from seal bags.  The girls tried not to look at her, but it didn't ruin their enjoyment as the food gave them all some energy.  Plus, they were going to do something more fun with class 1-B after dinner and they were all excited.  
     The students finished eating and cleaning their tables and dishes.  They quickly swarmed the nearby woods as they would doing a 'Haunted Woods Tour', as class 1-B's teacher called it.  His name was Vlad King, completely unfitting as his quirk allowed him to control his blood.  The tour was a group of 2 students from one class walking through a path in the woods up against the camp while students of the other class would try to scare them.  It was also a good use of stealth training, though the students didn't really notice that's what it was.  

     Kaminari hisses lightly as he scratches himself hard on a pair of scissors he'd tried to catch.  They fell to the ground, silent on the soft dirt, as he begins exiting the woods.  
     "Oh, Kaminari-kun," Misako mumbles as she jogs over.  She holds her hand underneath his to catch the small droplets of blood dripping off.  She leads him to the medical station where Mandalay takes over wrapping his wounds.  
     Bakugo follows Kirishima's gaze, wondering what he could possibly be looking at to stop midtask.  It was Misako, walking away from the medic tent and towards the mountainside.  Bakugo almost laughed at his redheaded acquintance, so caught up with a girl he couldn't even hang a sign.  Kirishima looks forward again, but Bakugo held his gaze just long enough to watch Misako lick her hand.  

     "Kota!" a shrill voice screamed, catching the young boy's attention.  When he looked up, black plumes of smoke rose over the forest in front of him.
     "I think you and I should have some fun up here, kid!  Ready!?"  As his punch was coming down, Izumi was suddenly off his feet and in Misako's arms, flying away from what was certainly a deadly arm.  In front of them was a man bulging with muscles, blond hair and red eyes glinting in the darkness of the night and smog.  
     "What are you doing?" Izumi barks, but Misako held him behind her protectively.
     "Ho...  Now you I recognize.  You were on the list," he says with a grim smile.  
     "It's okay, Kota-chan," she assures him softly.  He screamed, tears already pouring down his face as Misako's sharp nail pierced into his arm.  His blood flowed onto it and he watched in horror as she licked it clean.  "Please stay behind me, okay?  Do not run off."  Her tone switched from so sweet to so sure, from an easy request to a firm demand.
     "Do you really think you can do anything to me, girly?  Just run, leave the brat behind.  He's much more interesting to me than you are," the man claims with a chuckle.
     "I doubt that.  If you've ever met the real man you're working under, you'll find that we're very closely related," Misako grumbles, hand clenched in a fist and pulled back as if she were ready to punch.
     "Your name is Misako, isn't it?  You don't have a quirk listed in those papers we found.  Lovely!  I hear you're a teacher's pet.  I hate those!"  Lunging forward, he strikes with a hit to the side.  She blocks it and grabs onto Izumi's shirt, but her block isn't enough to keep her stable and she slams into the rock wall.  Izumi hits her stomach and chest, once again being protected by her.
     "Little girly, do you know where a kid named Bakugo Katsuki might be?  I've still got a mission!"  Again, he lunges forward, but Misako was quicker and spun out of the way.  He punched the wall so hard, his fist got momentarily stuck.  Izumi's eyes went wide when his own quirk, water jets from his hands, was being used by Misako to blind the man by hitting his eyes while also pushing them back farther from him.
     "Maybe you don't know after all!  Fun, that just means I can have my way with you!"  He pulls back his leg, but Izumi's view is blocked as she holds him against her back instead.  He lands a perfect kick to her stomach, and she crashes face and knee down into the rocky floor, again cushioning Izumi's fall.
     "Don't let your head get shaken around too much, Kota-chan, I don't want you injured," she says tiredly.
     "Huh?  Are you bleeding!?" he shouts with a laugh.
     "Yes, it's blood.  Exactly what you were looking for.  Are we done yet?"  He sneers his lip at how calm she still seemed.  Surely, she should be panicking by now.  She'd taken two heavy blows and he couldn't think of a single way for her to harm him.
     "And how do you plan to help that little brat of yours!?  You can't do anything to me!  Try to punch me and I'll just protect myself over and over again!  You can't even get close to me!" he shouts, looking up to laugh.
     "Kota-chan, I'm going to set you down now.  There's a crack in the wall over there that has a small pocket in the cliffside.  I understand that it's unstable, but you need to get inside of that crack and get back as far as possible," she says in a low and quiet tone.  She does as she said, bending down until his feet are on the ground and then jumping forward.

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