Snowball Fights and Sleepless Nights (fluff)

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Levi Ackerman x gn!reader

Your snow day gets a surprise visit from Levi!

Warnings: cussing

When you opened your eyes, it was eerily quiet. Usually the castle had some sort of activity going on, whether it was people marching up and down the halls or soldiers yelling outside during training. You got out of bed but before you got dressed, something outside your window caught your eye. There were snowflakes falling everywhere, coating the castle and its grounds, leaving a beautiful white sheen everywhere you looked. You couldn't wait to go outside and relish the quiet calm of a snow day. Tugging on your clothes, you raced out into the cold. The immediate blast of cool air on your exposed skin felt more refreshing than agonizing, though your tired bones could've used a day out of the elements. You and your squad had been training nonstop for the past week and you planned to rest today, your off day, but you couldn't resist the weather's allure. You peeked around to make sure no one was there. Seeing nobody, the coast was clear. You smiled a little at your luck before lying down, the plushness of snow comforting your body. You were high enough in rank, a lieutenant, that you needed to retain self respect and a sense of authority in all aspects of your life but you'd be damned if you couldn't let loose a little to make a snow angel in these perfect conditions. You fanned out your arms and legs, scraping the snow away from your body to get the shape to look just right. As you moved your limbs around, you realized just how worn out your body really was. You stopped moving, your snow angel probably looking alright by now, and you closed your eyes. The sun was barely peeking through the dark clouds but it was enough to make you sigh dreamily, basking in the barely there rays of light. You definitely would've fallen back asleep if it weren't for gentle hands and a scared voice pulling you from your relaxed state.

"L-lieutenant! Are you alright?"

You knew that to be Armin Arlert's panicked voice. You opened your eyes to see you were surrounded by the group of teens who did everything together, faces all contorted in some sort of panic. Armin relinquished the grip he had on your shoulders, afraid of getting in trouble for putting his hands on a superior now that it was confirmed you weren't hurt or dead.

"What are you guys talking about? I was making a snow angel," you grumbled, feeling embarrassed that these soldiers, who were supposed to look up to you, were literally looking down at you. You stood up, swiping the leftover snow off your body.

"We saw you lay down and not get back up so we had to check if you were hurt," confessed Sasha.

"Well, thanks for your concern, everyone. I appreciate it." Before you could slink away and hope they never spoke of this situation, an idea came to mind. A silly idea, one that should probably never see the light of day, but these kids had been through so much and deserved to have some fun for once. "Have you guys ever been in a snowball fight?"

Those words were what led to the dire situation in front of you. Your snow fortress had been taking hits from all sides and you were running low on ammo (snowballs). You didn't know how much time you had left before getting bulldozed with snowballs but you weren't going down without a fight. Baring your teeth, you came out of your hiding spot, fully prepared for an onslaught. However, when you stood up, you saw the teens running around with each other, grins and laughs a plenty and you felt your heart warm. You were glad you suggested this, even if you did just get pelted in the face by Eren while you were lost in your thoughts. You hoped this feeling of peace could last forever.

"Oi! Brats! What the hell are you doing?"

Your captain's voice rang through the now deathly quiet area. The kids immediately dropped the snow from their hands and saluted Levi, as did you.

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