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"We are going to film a video with Nidal. You can just stay here and look after Boomer and Nala. Is that okay?" Salish said, putting on her shoes.

I nodded and watched as they left. As soon as they did, I burst into floods of tears and ran downstairs to find Nala.

Nala ran over as soon as she heard my sobs.

As much as I loved living here, I just longed for my parents back. I decided to go on a walk with the dogs. I pit on their harnesses and went out.

A red car passed, and I swear I saw Jordan at the wheel and two kids in the back. I shook it off and went to the park. I threw two balls for each dog and let my thoughts trail.

A man had been watching me for a while, but I wasn't as scared as I would usually be as I had Nala with me.

He made his way to me, and I lobbed the ball, and Nala ran after it. I shouldn't have done it because when the man saw Nala sprinting to the other side of the park, he ran at me.

Before I could scream, he clamped his hand over my mouth. I kicked and scratched as he dragged me. I watched as Nala turned around and started to dash over barking.

I couldn't leave Nala and Boomer at the park by themselves. I threw myself forward, and the man flipped over me, letting go. I laughed at him and then legged it. Nala ran straight to me, and I held onto her harness so she couldn't attack the man who was crawling back to his car.

I picked up my phone and tried to call Jordan. He didn't answer to I called Salish. She didn't answer. I sighed and clipped the leads back onto the two dogs and ran home with them.

A red car passed again, but this time, it slowed down next to me. I tried to wipe away my tears, but it was too late.

"Y/n! What happened are you okay? Why are you running!" Salish shouted. Jordan stopped the car, and I ran over, throwing myself into the car landing on Salish.

I couldn't stop the tears. I looked up and saw Nidal. I didn't want him to see me crying, but it was too late.

"Y/n, are you okay? What happened!" He said, moving closer.

I slid off Salishes lap and tucked my knees up to my chest. Jordan got out of the car and held onto the dogs.

I took deep breaths, and the tears slowly stopped.

"There was this man. He grabbed me, and I couldn't escape. Nala tried to help. I flipped him off me." I said, stuttering.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Nidal said and hugged me. I hugged him back.

Salish joined in.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I ruined your video." I said, looking down.

"No! Be in it!" Salish said, smiling. I smiled gratefully.

We dropped the dogs off and fed them before going off. I sat in the middle.

Nidals hand was on my thigh. I didn't think much of it.

We went to a gym place, and Nidal had to have an ice bath. I kept pouring in more ice, and Salish stood there laughing.

"Y/n put your foot in, try it!" Nidal said.

I dipped it in and yelped, taking it out straight away. Nidal laughed at my reaction.

"Yeah, maybe it's a tad cold." I said, putting my sock back on. Nidal quickly got in, and I took the opportunity to dunk in another bag of ice.

We dropped Nidal off, and I hugged him goodbye. Jordan posted the video the next day, and I was scrolling through my phone when I found an edit.

It was an edit of me and Nidal in the car and love music. It showed Nidals hand on my thigh. I laughed when I saw it and liked the video.

I came back to the video a while later and looked at the comments.

'Omg, Y/n liked this video!'

'Y/n must like him as she liked it!'

'I can't believe she liked it. You're so lucky!'

I chuckled and put down my phone.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now