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"Nidal stop!" I shouted down the phone.

"Jiji won't care. Oh my god, I just poked myself in the eye with this black stick!" He replied.

I burst out laughing.

"That's mascara, and it's supposed to go on your lashes, not in your eye."

"Yeah, I knew that!"

"Sure you did."

I had been on call with Nidal for an hour. He was trying on Jijis makeup without Jiji knowing.

"Oh, I am so telling Jiji!" I said.

"No, you're not!" He shouted.

"Okay, okay, next do the contor!" I said.

"What this poo stick?"

"Yeah, sure, the poo stick. Right where do you put it?" I asked.


I fell off the bed in laughter as Nidal coloured in his brows.

"No! You put it on your jawline and nose. Sometimes your forehead but never your eyebrows!"

"Ohhh." He replied and did what I told him to do.

"Now blend!"

Salish walked in with her phone. She jumped onto the beanbag and lay there scrolling on her phone.

"Hey Salish, alright?" I asked.

"Yep, I just wanted company." She replied, not taking her eyes off her phone.

I nodded and turned back to my phone, where Nidal was using a blender to blend the contour.

"Nidal, I think I hear Jiji." I said as I heard her yelling something about a duck.

"Shoot, she's back!" He said, and before he could run away, Jiji came in.

"Nidal, what are you doing!"

"RUN Nidal run!" I shouted laughing.

He sprinted and ran past Jiji, giving me a full view of her forehead.

"Got to go! Bye!" He said and hung up.

I walked over to Salish.

"Want to go practise for tonight?" I asked she nodded and got up.

Tonight was our competition. We went downstairs and did our floor routine outside.

"I think I've got it." I said, landing.

Salish nodded.

"Yeah, you do!" She said, clapping.

"I hope the competition goes okay!" I said.

The competition did not go well.

"I can't believe myself!" I shouted, throwing my pillow across the room.

"Y/n, it wasn't your fault!" Salish said.

"I did awful! First off, I didn't land my floor second. I fell off the beam and hit my head! Third on bars, I slipped and fell onto the small one and flopped off it!" I ranted.

"Everyone makes mistakes!" She said.

"I came last!" I shouted.

"Look, I'm just going to leave you alone for a bit, okay?" She said and went out of my room.

I called Nidal and talked to him about the competition.

"Like Salish said, everyone makes mistakes, plus you're the best on the team I'm sure the coach understands." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I responded.

Nidal grinned.

"I need to go and feed Winston. I'll call you back, okay?"


I put my phone down and just sat on the bed. A little while later, Nidal started calling. I answered.

"Y/n, I have the best news ever!" He said excitedly down the phone.

"What is it!" I yelled just as excited.

"I got a girlfriend!" He said.

"We have been hanging out for a while, and I just asked her out!"



"You alright, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"No, I'm fine. Everything's fine, congrats. I have to go Hudsons calling me bye." I said quickly and hung up.

Why did I care? It wasn't a big deal. Oh my god. I like Nidal.

"Salish!" I yelled. She ran into my room, almost falling over.


"I like Nidal." I said.

"You do!" She yelled and punched the air, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, but he has a girlfriend." I said sadly.

"That is not good." Salish replied.

"Mhm. But like we are too young to date, right?" I said.

Salish shook her head. I smiled, and we hugged each other.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now