Chapter 1

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"I'm Jason Yoso- gai no, you probably know me from saving the world from Ka-oi the Damned or from my last story but let me tell you more of my story cause I never said I was done, So I'm Jason Yoso-gai no Protector of China and Japan and I've been doing this job for almost a year and I have gotten use to it. I never went back to the University and I stayed in China or went back to Japan since I was doing all that moving I decided to do some music. I was able to get a Guitar thanks to the money I got from being a Protector, Ren and Yong did more than I thought not only were they with me as Animal Spirits, they became my friends. I had to stick with the rule of 'not to fall in love' even though I still hated it I kept it, But every day I helped someone who needed I saw them go home to the person they loved and I kinda of felt jealous. I go home to American when I can that's only when there are no Evil spirits running around, Kenji changed he was on the international team but taking a break and he hasn't been dating since Blue. Blue was dead but she completely ruined our Family, Naya wasn't doing so well since she learned about the truth, my parents are also trying to get rid of her webs and then there is me. I'm trying to forget her and sometimes I see but it's my brain playing tricks on me, I wish that she was real but wishes don't come true so this is where I am now in China doing my job and waiting for the next part"

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Ren stood in his palace, he was looking at the picture in his hand with a smile on his face, it was him, Yong and Jason. Ren had grown fond of his Protector while Yong and him  have become friends because of Jason, this was a very silent time in his life
"What is taking so long Dragon?!" Mul Yong yelled coming into the room, somethings never change.
"I was just doing some things, why are you in such a hurry?" Ren asked
"This is my first time going to Earth in my human form and I don't want to miss anything"
"Calm down Yong, you won't miss anything"
"Being among the humans, I've been so tired of the Spirit realm, glad thatI have you to take me" Yong said
"We'll let's go surprise Jason"

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Jason heard banging at his apartment door, who was there at this time? Why? What did they want? His long brown curly hair was up to his neck, his tired brown eyes looked towards the door. He was wearing a black tang top and some boxer shorts
"What?!!!" He yelled, fuzzy figures stood in front of him
"Let's go exploring!!" He recognized that voice
"Yong?!!" Finally Jason could see, Ren and Young were standing in front of him
"Hey!!" Jason hugged them both
"You're real" he said happily
"Yes we wanted to surprise you" Ren said
"What's the occasion?"
"My first day in human form" Yong said
"Then I'll get dressed and show you around" Jason let them both in and they sat on the couch while he went to the bathroom, this would be exciting spending the day with Ren and Yong while people could see them this was good indeed, putting on a hoodie and keens he rushed for his socks then put on his shoes.
"Let's go" he said coming out of the bathroom, The friends walked out of the apartment building and to the Main Street where it was busy, Yong couldn't take his eyes off of everything, it was different the smells, the sights and the noise. He had been a spirit for centuries and this was his first time out
"Anyone hungry?" Jason asked
"Sure" Ren said
"I'll take you two to a great restaurant, follow me" Ren and Yong did, passing streets and stop lifts, they were a little slow because of Yong who was almost hit by a car but they got to the Mall, Humans of all ages surroundedYong as they walked to a restaurant
"What is this big building of gathering called?"
"A Mall, Yong" They entered the restaurant as the bell above them dinged, there was some classic music playing in the background as they took a table on the corner
"Welcome to 5hrGrab, what's your order" the waitress said to them
"We'll take one coffee and two cups of tea, two corn dogs as well as fries and one breakfast burrito" Jason said the waitress nodded and then left
"I understand everything till burrito, what's that?"
"It's a a wrap of tortilla with filling but I doubt you could handle it"
"I used to be the warrior of Japan, I can handle it"
"Alright, when it comes I'll split with you and see if you could take it cause I like hot sauce in mine"
"Boy, you don't the meaning of hot sauce"
"This isn't going to end well" Ren whispered to himself, He looked around the restaurant at the people some were happy with each other while others were alone with their heads in the clouds and others were on big groups. A man with the same red hair walked past them causing Ren to look at him, what if that was his descendant? Ren got up and touched the man on the shoulder
"Excuse me" Ren said and the man turned to him but his face became horrified quickly
"How can I help you?" The man said, Ren thought he was looking at a mirror, the man in front of him looked exactly like him and sounded like him
"Ren?" Jason said joining him, he looked at the man Ren was dumbstruck by and so he became shocked as well
"He looks  just like you" Jason said
"I'm Seo Ren" This was getting out of hand, Jason took Ren back to their table and sat him down, Yong was drinking the tea Jason ordered for him
"Who was that?" Jason asked
"I don't know, he has my name and looks exactly like me"
"Who are we talking about?" Yong asked
"Have you visited your descendants?"
"Yes, but he isn't one of them"
"Who?" Yong asked again
"Ren, something feels wrong about him we need to approach him" Ren agreed with Jason something was wrong so they got up and went to the table Seo Ren  was sitting at and sat down with him
"Um how can I help you?" He asked clueless
"Who are you and why are you here?!!" Jason asked
"I'm Seo Ren, I live here and I'm here for my morning coffee"
"Can't you see you two look alike?"
"I do, it's quite shocking" Seo said
"Perhaps your family came from a Royal Family?" Ren said
"Um are you two crazy?" Seo Ren asked
"Are you married?" Jason asked, Seo pulled out his phone and showed them a picture
"That's my wife Shenny and our kids, Destia and Lowell" This was way too much, Shenny was dead but the lady and the photo looked just like her, something was way to wrong.
"Excuse us" Jason and Ren went back to their own table where Yong had finished all the food they ordered
"Everything that comes out of his mouth is like a decision I refused to make"
"It's like a another version of you" Jason said
"Jason!!!!" Someone came in running to them, it was Cheetah
"Cheetah, what are you doing here in China?" Jason asked
"We need all of you, a meeting has been called"
"By whom?" Yong asked

Yong, Ren and Jason entered the Temple in Japan, it took a few hours to get here but they were called by Lion, Jason was wearing his clothes that he wore when doing Protecting, other Animal Spirits and Protectors were there as well this had to be an important meeting if everyone was here even some people Jason hadn't met yet were here. A roar echoed through the crowd and everyone knew it was Lion
"Thank you all for gathering here, this is very important that's why everyone including Protectors are here. A great evil has risen and this evil isn't Ka-oi it something none of us have faced before"
"Who?" One asked
"He calls himself Master of the Realms, he's trying to gain power by making the realms collide and taking the power, this effects not only us but the other realms as well, people are being misplaced and people are questioning the universe . The people being misplaced are other alternates of a person for example I maybe a Leader in this Realm but in another I made a different decision that is what makes a realm. We need to stop this but sadly Protectors can't cross over to other realms only the spirits, but we have better news only one of us has the power and strength to go to another realm that is Jason"

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