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chapter 020 ━━━━ should have, could have

tw: drama lore ig

THE FINAL WHISTLE BLEW, and the scoreboard flashed the score: 3 - 0

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THE FINAL WHISTLE BLEW, and the scoreboard flashed the score: 3 - 0.

but instead of reveling in the attention of the crowd after your easy victory, you found yourself being yanked away by your mother as soon as you stepped off the field.

ignoring your protests and attempts to wriggle free, she dragged you off the place without a word.

upon arriving home, your mother wasted no time in leading you to your bedroom, her stern expression leaving no room for argument.

Noel tried to intervene, but your father held him back, a stern expression on his face. it seemed that your mother's will was not to be questioned.

as you were hauled into a room, and the door slammed shut, trapping you in the confined space with your mother's growing fury, you could feel the weight of her disappointment pressing down on you.

"enough is enough, young woman!" your mother's voice echoed in the room, her eyes filled with frustration and disappointment.

"i have told you time and time again to quit this foolishness with football and focus on your studies,"

"but what do you do? you continue to defy me, sneaking off to a football match when you should be buried in your books!"

her words stung, and you felt a surge of anger rise within you. "but mom, football is my passion! it's not just some foolishness, it's what i love to do," you countered, your voice shaking with emotion.

"i can balance both academics and sports, just like Noel does."

she scoffed, her tone dripping with disdain. "Noel is different. he's a prodigy, a natural talent. you, on the other hand, are barely keeping up with your grades as it is,"

"do you really think you can compete with him? do you honestly believe you'll make it as a football player?"

"i can and i will!" you shot back, "i refuse to give up on my dreams just because you don't understand them. football is what makes me feel alive, and i won't let you or anyone else take that away from me."

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