⊱⊱༻Night (💙)༺⊰⊰

201 8 7

 'Lets walk home at night' She said.

  'It'll be an adventure' said April.


      Okay she didn't say the last bit, but she might as well have been thinking it.

      Alone, in the pitch black, out on the extremely loud streets of New York, with April O'Neil. Well, April WAS walking with Y/N, until they accidentally got separated. Now, Y/N was ALONE on the cold streets of NYC, with no form of protection.

       Maybe this was April's way of punishing Y/N for talking so much smack. Y/N often presented a very egotistical version of themselves when around others, especially April. Maybe April said screw it and left Y/N to die alone. God they knew being asked to walk in the dark on the streets of New York was suspicious!

     The sounds of cars passing by and shuffling feet filled Y/N's mind to the brim with worry. Where was April? Sure, it's New York, theres street lights and witnesses everywhere, theres no need to worry. But holy shit Y/N was still worried.

      A shadow swiftly swept past out of the corner of Y/N's eye. Which brought their attention to the forefront. Y/n quickly snapped their head in the direction of the motion, only to be met with an alley way....The 10th one they've passed during this walk.

       A shiver ran down Y/Ns spine. Alley ways; creepiest things in this city. The second you step foot in one, it's free game for whatever weirdo decides to follow.

      If that were the case, then why was Y/N slowly walking into the Alley way that they were previously creeped out with? Good question. No one will ever know.

     Y/N's silhouette cast against the concrete flooring of the narrow alley way. Blocking out the bright glow of stoplights behind them.

     They didn't know exactly what they were looking for, but they knew it was going to be the death of them. It was in an alley way filled with rats and dumpsters, which were also full of drugs and dead animals experimented on by crazy teenagers without parents. Who would go here other than the very parents of Batman?

     It seemed as though the further Y/N got into this peculiar alleyway, the more drown out the sounds from the streets became. It was as if Y/N was decending further into the confinements of a soundproof studio.

     Again, a shadow whisked past, but it had more of a 3-D dimension now that Y/n was looking. It seemed human enough. They could hear the pattering of shoes against concrete as the mysterious figure ran.

       “Aye this one's a beauty!” chuckled a low voice, the deep male boston accent bounced around down the poorly lit alleyway, as a figure blocked off more of the dim glow from the outside streetlights.

     “Too bad we gotta ruin it.” Another voice slithered into the conversation. Making Y/N's heart sink. No doubt, if Y/n survived, April was not gonna hear the end of it.

     Instead of turning to see who was talking, Y/N began running deeper into the Alley. Pushing over garbage cans, and disturbing stray dogs and cats that lived beneath the moldy ripped up cardboard that littered the grounds.

     It seemed to go on forever until they finally reached a dead end. But they didn't dare to turn around, they didn't dare be met with the faces of the men who were only two steps away from pushing them into another timeline.

      “Please! Please I- I have money! you- you want money?” It wasn't as if Y/n wanted, nor felt the need to say such things. They knew they were dead either way, but it was worth a shot?

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