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"Bold text" is Korean             
"Normal" is Japanese or something else (Only for this chapter)


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A warm feeling enveloped you, despite it feeling so numbingly cold. 

Is this the afterlife? Oh man.

It just feels like you're endlessly floating around in space—where somewhere a faint scent of burning wafts.

"Not awake yet, huh...?" A masculine voice suddenly tunes in, also distant sounding. A little blurred at that too. Little sharp sounds of fire crackling close but far away, like wood burning.

Problem is, those words sound super unfamiliar to you. Like a whole new different language.

. . .

The faint crackling sounds continue, till little white outlines suddenly fade into your vision, etching shapes into your shut eyes. Eyelids fluttering open with a loud gasp, the first thing that you take notice of is the fragmented information flooding your brain.

"... What is—?" You spoke quizzically in your native language,

the foreign language carving itself into your brain, making your temples clang and swirl at the rush of new details. Your gaze dragged itself over to the man, short and long descriptions of him appearing infront of you like faint computer windows popping up.

Name: Minjoo
Gender: Male
Age: Forty-three
?: A pyrokinetic.
Current status: Internally injured, but alive.

Were the only pieces that stood out to you most, and mainly just could remember. Min's eyes went wide at the sight of you now sitting up, definitely conscious and aware of whats currently happening.

"You're awake." That language again. But for some reason now—you could understand. Possibly even form a coherent sentence.

"... Whwhere am I?" It was clear, the way your throat was unbelievably parched to a sore level. It was as if you've never talked a day in your life—and your eyes moved to your now unfamiliar body down from your collarbone to your toes.

Surprise and confusion painted his features right after the words rolled off your tongue effortlessly. "You can speak Korean, huh? You kinda look Japanese."

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