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I've taken everyone's comments and smushed them all into one idea. Everyone's ideas were brilliant, and I'm really grateful 🙏 hope you enjoy the next couple of chapters xx

TW underage drinking, fluff

Two years later

"Salish, can you add Jiji to the call? I need to decide on my swimming costumes." I said as I picked up all my bikinis.

"Y/n, I can't believe you are coming back. I'm so excited!" Jiji squeeled.

"Hey Jiji." I said laughing.

I was finally moving back to Calafornia after moving to England to live with my uncle after my parents' deaths.

I was thirteen when I left, and I was now fifteen. I had started YouTube and gained 25 million followers.

"I'm leaving in ten minutes so quickly help me pick my fit! I was thinking like Nike Pros and an oversized grey hoodie I have with Nike socks and my black Jordans." I said, quickly pulling out all the stuff.

"Yes!" Salish said.

"Oh, Salish, I forgot to tell you I placed first in the competition yesterday." I said as I pulled on the clothes.

"That's amazing. What a great way to end the gymnastics in England! Now you can finally join here again." Salish said happily.

"I know!" I said, smiling.

"Oh Y/n I got to go, Nidals calling for me. I can't wait to see you. Bye, girls!" Jiji said and left the call.

"So, did you and Nidal keep in touch?" Salish asked.

I shook my head.

"No, not after what happened." I said.

"Y/n, he didn't know you were leaving!" Salish groaned.

"Still! He could have said bye instead of hanging out with his girlfriend." I said, closing the suitcase loudly.

"So you just never texted him again?" Salish said.

"No, I ghosted him." I replied. Salish snorted.

"That is very harsh." She said.

"I liked him. How was I ever supposed to get over the fact that he liked Chelsea!" I said.

Salish rolled her eyes.

"Just hurry up. I can't wait any longer to see you!" She said.

"Same here. You don't know how much I miss you." I said, blowing a kiss.

"Agh, got to go catch a plane. See you in like twelve hours!" I said and hung up.

I ran downstairs, almost tripping over Nala, who lay at the bottom waiting.

"Bye, uncle!" I yelled and grabbed Nalas lead. I hugged him goodbye and jumped into the taxi.

The drive to the airport was only twenty minutes and as soon as the taxi parked I paid him the money and ran with Nala beside me into the airport.

I caught the flight and vlogged it.

"I can't see you!" I yelled down the phone as my eyes scanned the car park.

"I'm like near the big pillar bit." Salish replied.

I spotted Slaish and screamed. I dropped all my stuff, including my phone, and ran to her. She heard my scream and started running towards me.

We both collided with each other, causing us to fall to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" I said, hugging her tightly.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now