11 - gold jewelleries.

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I wore a casual outfit as I left for the address Rihanna sent me to. I hadn't even reached the bridge when I became caught up in the traffic. Honks from various cars could be heard coming from both bridges and flyovers.

The city was already in noise population. One who didn't understand would believe some sudden revelry was going on. I decided to honk along with the other cars.

Half an hour later, the traffic had started moving. My car had just left the suspension bridge. After another twenty minutes drive, I pulled over by a huge glasshouse. I alighted my car shutting the door as I went in.

I rang the doorbell as I waited for at least ten seconds before I heard someone's voice.

" 누구 입니까?"

( Pronounced 'nugu ibnikka?'. Korean word for ' Who is it?')

That was a female voice. I was trying to figure what the person said when the door opened.

" 안녕 하세요!" A young girl had answered the door. In her teenage years I guess. With her hairstyle and face, I could guess she was either Chinese or Korean.

( Pronounced 'Annyeong haseyo!'. Korean word for hello!)

All I could do was smile. I didn't understand a word. " Sorry. My bad. You must be Miss Tessa." She says with a smile which I gradually returned. " Come on in please. The dress couldn't make it past the bridge so it was brought here instead." She says with a smile as I stepped into the glasshouse.

" 엄마! 어디서?" ( Pronounced 'eomma! Eodiseo?' Korean word for mom! where are you?)

She yelled as I watched an older woman rush down the stairs. " 엄마 ( mom), Miss Tessa. Miss Tessa, my mom." She introduced as I smiled. I bowed my head as the older lady smiled.

" 만나서 반갑습니다요.." ( Pronounced 'mannaseo bangapseumnidayo' Korean for nice to meet you.)

The older woman said with a smile as I gladly returned it, I seriously had no idea what she said. " Mom.. she cant speak Korean. I'm sorry, my mom can only speak Korean. We just moved here for some weeks now, so she hasn't gotten used to the American language." The girl says as I smiled.

" No problem." I responded. " Right, the dress, please follow me." She says as I did. We both stepped into a room as I stare at a black box. " The dress is inside. And so are the jewelleries, be careful, it's gold." The girl whispers as I smiled.

" Don't worry. I can take care of anything." I say in reassurance as the girl returned my smile. " Come on go so you won't be stuck in the traffic." She shoos me out as I nodded and left. I placed the huge box in the backseat of my car as I shut the door.

I turned to stare at the black box as I noticed that something strange was up. I was pondering on checking if everything was in the box as they said. " No Tessa. She's nice and cute. You can trust her." I muttered as I got in and drove off.

" Has she gone?" The older lady asked. " Yes mom." The girl said as they both did a thumbs up to each other. " I don't know who that girl is but she just saved our lives dear. Imagine what could have happened if those people asked you to deliver the box? They would have noticed we took it." The mom said.

" You are smart mom. How could those people hand us such an expensive jewellery to look after? Now that that girl has it, she'll take the blame for what we did." The girl cheered as they both laughed.

I pulled over after an hour and thirty minutes drive. I was finally at the grand hall. I stepped out of my car as I took the big box and carried it inside the hall with me.

" Tessa.. you're back.." Rihanna said as I hummed in tiredness. I heard a car pull over as we both turned to stare at who it was. I saw the future bride step out of the car and I could swear my guts ached just by the sight of her.

Helene Smith.

I blew the strands of my hair that had fallen at my eyes as I stared at Helene. Immediately she saw me she smiled with a simple wave. Bitch! " Isn't she gorgeous?" Rihanna asked. " I bet she is.." I muttered as I watched Helene step in with her family.

I carried the box as I went upstairs. Stepping into the room, I placed the box on the bed as I heard the door open. " Whoa... is that my dress?" I heard Helene's voice as she rushed to the box and opened it without hesitation.

" Yes. It's your dress." I responded. " It's so gorgeous..." Helene said as she brought out the black dress. " Aww... it's black just as I wanted. But... maybe an aubergine dress would have fitted, or maybe Lavender. Eggplant could have been mwah! Can you change it for me?" She asked as I glared at her.

" Do you know what it took me to get this dress? Three freaking hours! And you tell me to change it? It's seems you need an asylum before your engagement Helene. Either you wear this dress or you just forget it. I'm tired of been annoyed by you. If there's someone you wanna boss around, tell it to your boyfriend. I didn't boss anyone around, so you can't do it to me." I said.

I was already angry and now she was making me more angry. I wasn't just gonna take it. I missed my steps five times because of her yesterday, and I'm not making the same mistake today.

Helene smiles. " So you've got a sharp tongue huh?" Helene asked crossing her arms as she clicked her tongue thrice. " And I thought you were some dum head Rihanna hired." She said as I sighed.

" I don't have time for your shitty talks Helene, just sit your ass down and let me do what I was paid for." I said as Helene took a sit. " Come on.." Helene said as I approached her. " One more thing Tessa, be careful with my hair, it took me a lot to let you touch it." Helene said.

If I wasn't gonna get paid I swear I would have given her a buzz cut. I sarcastically smiled at her in the mirror as I started my magic.


Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

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Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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