15 - blonde

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" C- c- c- Carlos?" I stuttered really scared and surprised to see him. " Here with Jim aren't ya?" He asked as I swallowed.

" I'm not here for you Tessa. There's more business I've got to handle today. And that Tyler guy. He paid the debt." Carlos said as the elevator dinged open.

" W- w- what?" I stuttered as I watched Carlos step out of the elevator and I followed him. " Why would he do it? I said I'd do it." I muttered as I watched Carlos turn into the next corridor.

I sighed as I went towards Jim's ward. Just as I was about to open the door. My eyes landed on a blonde lady who stood before a male. I just stared at her. Her flirtatious smiles she gave to him and perfect charisma that wasn't at all charming him.

I sighed, just as I placed my hand on the door knob, the male she was talking to turned to stare at me. I froze immediately I saw who it was. Taylor.

It seemed he hadn't noticed me yet as he turned to stare back at her. Now that I saw that it was Taylor that the lady was trying to flirt with, I began to boil. Not after I liked Taylor.

I bit my lower lip trying to hold myself from approaching them and taking Taylor's hand. I was loving the fact that Taylor wasn't actually reacting to her flirt and seductive eyes.

Just as Taylor turned into my direction, I froze. He was walking towards me. She followed him and wouldn't leave his side, so pathetic.

" Come on Taylor. Can't I be your contract girlfriend for this month?" She asked as Taylor gave her nothing but silence.

I watched Taylor reach my side as he walked past me. He didn't see me. I sighed in relief but my heart said otherwise. I wished he had saw me.

I bit my lower lip as I turned around to see him still walking with the lady. I was still staring when I noticed him stop as he turned to look at my direction. He gave a simple smile at me before taking a turn.

I didn't know why my cheeks started feeling hot but I could guess I was blushing. He smiled at me. Meaning he saw me. Gosh his smile had just melted my heart and made my day.

I brushed the few strands of hair that was covering my left eye behind my ear as I gave a simple smile at the fact he had smiled at me. It's not everyday you get a smile from a good looking guy.

I walked into Jim's ward. Later that day. I was sat on my bed thinking about the night, the Saturday night. I sighed. Since that day, I hadn't forgotten one single memory.

It made it seem like I was somehow connected to Taylor in a way I didn't understand. I just didn't want to lose him, I wouldn't dare. But we both only had three weeks left.

And when that time is up I would be saying goodbye to the only man that made me fall for him in a matter of a few days. I sighed. Just as I stood up to enter my bathroom, I shut the door as my bedroom door opened.

" Who's there?" I asked. " Tyler." I froze when I heard his voice. " T- t- Tyler?" I stuttered stepping out of the bathroom. " Tyler, what are you doing here?" I asked staring at Tyler who approached my bedside table.

" Where were you on Saturday?" Tyler asked as I froze. " Nowhere." I replied. " You're lying Tessa." Tyler said. " I'm not lying Tyler, I swear." I said as Tyler breathed in and out. Was he angry? For what reason?

" Tessa, you left home early on Saturday, you didn't go to your office, and you didn't return home." Tyler said. " Were you planning to stalk me?" I asked hurt. " I wasn't stalking you Tessa. It's just.. Es.. I care about you. And I can't let you put yourself in trouble." Tyler said.

" Trouble? Tyler, I'm not in any trouble, I'm safe where I am." I said. " Where are you?" Tyler asked as I sighed. " I can't tell you Tyler. I'm not sure this is the right time to tell you this." I said wanting to enter the bathroom.

" Is it your boss?" Tyler asked as I froze. " Are you dating your boss Tessa? It's clear." Tyler said. " C- c- Clear?" I stuttered. How on earth did he know?

" I'm not dating anyone." I retorted. " Alright. I believe ya Tess." He said as he stepped out of the room. I watched my bedroom door close as I just stared into space. Tyler was mad, and at me.

It hurt to see him mad at me. I could never handle his anger. He was like a roaring lion at times and I never wanted to get on his bad side. Did I do wrong by lying to him about I and Taylor's relationship? Should I tell him?

I felt a droplet of water touch my cheek as it rolled down touching my lips. It tasted salty, it didn't take me forever to figure out I had started crying .

The next day.

I sat in the City's park as I played with a couple of rose bushes. I picked out a rose flower as I noticed a feminine shadow approach me.

I raised my head to stare at who it was and that's when I saw the face of the blonde that was buzzing around Taylor yesterday like an annoying fly.

I noticed the cheeky smirk she was wearing and I immediately sat up straight. " Who are you and what's your relationship with Taylor?" She asked as I sighed within.

She noticed the silence I gave her and must have found it rude. " Hey!" She yelled as I continued playing with the rose bush. " Answer me!" She yelled and seeing I wasn't looking forward to it, she held my chin tightly and made me look up at her.

" That's more like it, at least look up." She said.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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