19 - Mr Dobrev

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I walked into the old store called Attic Weavers. Now I see why it was called Attic Weavers, it was an old building with the store at the top. And for the weavers, I think it was because most of the items here were weaved.

I approached the counter as I stared at the bald man that stood before me. " Tessa Wesley, I'm here to pick up the lights and tablecloths that Rihanna was supposed to take today." I said.

" Well Rihanna didn't give me a call about no Tessa coming here." He said as I smiled. " You can trust me. What will I gain in lying to you?" I asked with a sweet smile as he slightly nodded.

" Alright, wait here." He said as I watched him go into the next room. I sighed as I stared at the beach hat that sat on the counter. I played with the hem of the hat as I poked it.

Just then I heard the door open which caused me to turn my head over my shoulder. My eyes grew wide immediately I caught sight of Tyler.

" Oh my goodness." Came a silent gasp from me as I immediately put on the beach hat. I immediately hid my face beneath it as Tyler came to stand beside me.

He rang the bell on the counter as I just froze trying to behave casual. I relaxed my elbows on the countertop as I stared at the room the bald man went in. " Where is he?" He asked me as I swallowed.

" I- I- In there.." I stuttered as I swallowed. The bald man walked out of the room as he held a box. " The lights are in here and so are the tablecloths. Same length of the round table and dark blue in colour and a couple of glittering diamond stones atop." He said as I smiled.

He handed me the box and gosh it was goddamn heavy. I nearly fell by the weight but before I could, Tyler caught me. I glanced at his arm around my waist as I raised my head to stare at his eyes.

Before he could figure out who I was I immediately dropped my eyes. I heard the bald man clear his throat as Tyler let go of me. " Are you alright?" Tyler asked as I slightly nodded. " Well Miss Tessa, Rihanna later called saying she had sent you here." The bald man said as I smiled.

Tyler watched me leave the store with my head down. The minute I stepped out of the building, I hurried towards my car as I shoved the box into my trunk. I shut the trunk as I got into my car.

I let out a sigh finally seeing I was away from Tyler now. Well I was missing him. Our old days together. I always had a dream of spending the rest of my life with Tyler but the moment Taylor came into my life, that dream died.

I tapped on the steering wheel as I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh. Taylor was the only man that I wanted to see so bad. I always felt my heart ache when he wasn't near by and since last night, my body has done nothing but ache for his touch.

I sighed biting my lower lip. " Taylor Dobrev." I whispered as I smiled. " Tyler Wester." I said. " Which one of you do I like most?" I asked.

" I've known Tyler for years, and Taylor it's been a few days, but yet I'm already loving him. I'm guessing it's not love. It might be lust." I whispered with a sigh.

" Right Tess. It's lust." I said as I started the car engine before driving off. Arriving at the event centre Rihanna spoke to me about. I pulled over by the ritzy parking lot and made my way into the building carrying the huge box.

" yes! Up there! The chandelier lights should be dimmed that day, right when the dance begins. Oh and also, the stairs should be decorated in a black wallpaper along with the railings. A red carpet by the entrance of the stairs also." I heard Rihanna direct orders as I walked in.

Immediately she saw me, a smile reached her lips. " Tessa.. you're finally here..." Rihanna said with a smile which I gradually returned.

" I hope I'm not late." I said as I approached her. " You're never late dear. In fact, I wasn't expecting you'd be this early." Rihanna said as I gave her a smile.

" The box. Put it on that desk by the window." Rihanna directed as I slightly nodded. I approached the long wooden table as I placed the box on top. I let out a sigh.

" Rihanna." I said turning to Rihanna. " Mmhmm?" A hum was her reply. " Um.. I think I need advice. That is, if you're not busy." I said as Rihanna smiled at me. " Sure, I could give you advice. Right here, right now. Now tell me, what is it?" Rihanna asked as I smiled rubbing my palms nervously.

" Okay look. I have these two handsome guys in my life. One I've known since childhood, and the other I knew from last week." I began as Rihanna hummed that she was listening.

" Okay. I don't really know if I love em both, but, I like em." I said as Rihanna slightly nodded. " I understand this one. Aight let me see, You like them both. Which one has kissed you?" Rihanna asked. " The one I met last week." I said as Rihanna smiled.

" Well. Which do you find to be more handsome and amazing." Rihanna asked. " Well.." I paused as I thought. Tyler was hot, Taylor was the carbon copy of a badass hottie.

And I loved bad boys. I smiled as Taylor came into my mind. I found him really charming, amazing and the first guy to make me crave for him so much.

" I can guess who this guy is." Rihanna said as I broke out on my daze. " Who?" I asked.

" Mr Dobrev."

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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