❣️부분 20🤫

133 7 4

*kings hotel - Main hall*
A/n Pov -

YES I DO HAVE THE ISSUE - ???? someone in a shrilled voice

The fu*k not again - yoongi and all couple giggle

Can't we just lock her up - hobi whisper and other nodded

Better Idea, lets book a ship for her to Nami island - Namjoon and all giggle

*scoff* your ideas are too innocent, can I kill her - kook, bride and priset gasp and groom smrik like they found the perfect solution

Oh don't worry priset you are safe - yug as they all are present there and all giggle

Can I know mrs what's the issue you have with this marriage? - Priset

I swear, if she again said that my daughters are better than the brides, I am gonna fucking throw this vase on her head - one of the guest whisper and jang-mi listen this, she got afraid

Hmm-- ya--a -a-a-a I have a- a issue of -of -of 2 things - Jnag-mi slutter

And can we know that - shayala in strict tone

Ye-yes a-a-a- first you didn't invite me and second the- the color of suit and grown cause generally it is black and white so why this? - jang-mi while being proud to find the issue instantly as she can't say anything about better choice of her daughter.

*sigh*Listen Mrs. Yoo I don't know what is your problem but I appreciate if you keep quite and let the marriage get finished peacefully and if I hear any word for you now on wards I will be the one to throw you out - shayala in strict tone standing shiver to all

Didi, I told your younger daughter to infrom you about this and regarding the color, its the traditional color chosen by elder shalaya according to their stars. Kindly sit down or I will not stop elder shayala to throw you out - haechul and jang-mi embrassed. Her daughter alright gone from the wedding hall cause the other guest are shaming them.

Sir Adam you can start - shayala

*sigh* so with the name of almighty, I, Priset Adam will starting this ceremony of 2 soul 1 heart going to be together. Please all the grooms recite after me - Adam

"I vow to always be your protector, and confidante, responsible for making sure your every need is met, every want is reached, and every dream realized. It's said that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from God. From this life we have built to get to this moment, this great moment in our life, looking into your beautiful eyes, I vow to always be your good thing, with love in my heart, always by your side, to my last breath." - all the grooms recite while looking into bride eyes.

Now, Please all the brides recite after me - Adam

"I swear to you that I will continue to dedicate all the days of my life to filling our days with beauty and laughter. I will celebrate your spirit and all of your accomplishments, work to inspire you, and be here to remind you of your strength. You are my partner, my confidant, my other half, and I will be there for you for the rest of my life." - all bride recite while looking into groom's eyes *Everyone claps*

Now if grooms have any final words to say to them you can - Adam

Our Final words to you will be - joon

"No matter what, I will be standing next to you. I love you" - all recite together by looking towards their partner

Brides, do you have any final words to say to them - Adam

"I will be your wildflower that can bloom in every situation, I love you too" - all recite together by looking towards their partner *everyone claps*

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