Chapter 13 | Food is important

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Mary's alarm went off after what felt like just a couple seconds. Her eyelids were so heavy! Staying up so late wasn't a good idea. Having sex made it worse. She reached for her buzzing phone without opening her eyes, but couldn't feel it. But when she opened them she realized she was alone in bed. The entire house was silent.

"Good morning pumpkin" Alexander was smiling at her. He was already dressed and leaning against her desk, playing with his car keys.

"I wanted to wake up next to you" the girl got up and opened her closet.

"My apologies pumpkin" he walked up to her and kissed her shoulder from behind. "I wanted to give you a ride to school. Or maybe you have enough riding for today..."

Mary laughed.

"No I don't" she grabbed a fresh pair of underwear, a pair of skinny jeans and a red t-shirt out of the closet.

"Then get ready quickly" the man smiled and laid down on her bed. "I'm waiting for you."

A moment later she was fully dressed. But when she opened the door of her room a weird silence hit her. Teresa wasn't there. That was weird, because normally at this hour she would sit in the living room and drink tea.

"Have you seen my mom anywhere?" The girl turned around and looked at Casmid.

"No" he looked confused. "It was silent when I woke up and when I came back."

Mary walked around the house and checked every room, but found nobody. Alexander joined her after a few minutes.

"Are we alone?" He asked.

"It looks like we are" the girl was really confused.

"Go get ready, I'll make you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry, thanks" she entered the bathroom and splashed her face with water.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" she smiled. "I'll eat later."

"Alright pumpkin" he headed towards the door. "I'll wait for you in the car. But we're stopping at the store and I'm buying you food. I won't allow going to school hungry."


Alexander stopped the car right in front of the school's main door.

"Have a nice day pumpkin" the man kissed her.

"Thanks" she smiled. "You too."

"It can't get any better" he giggled. "Okay, go to class, I'll see you later."

Mary blushed, got out of the car and headed towards the building. He waited a couple seconds and drove off. The girl had butterflies in her stomach. When she thought of their first lesson and of how scared she was it seemed ridiculous. How could she be scared of a sweetheart like Alexander?

"Bestie!" Lucy jumped on her. "Come with me! I have news!"

"Good or bad?" Mary joked.

Her friend got serious in a second.

"Since when are you so happy at 7.50 in the morning?" She thought for a second. "What have you done with professor Casmid tonight?"

"Nothing" Mary put her hands up in.

"He gave you a ride, I saw that" Lucy crossed her arms on her chest. "Are you two dating?"

Mary was defeated. She couldn't lie to her best friend. She nodded, giving her a positive answer. Lucy's jaw dropped. After a moment of shock, she finally asked:

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