chapter 3: i'm fine, don't worry about me.

47 1 0

a/n: ouh

uzi's pov

"Full name, please?"

"Mizuki Doorman." I reluctantly responded with my full legal name.

"Pretty name." The chipper receptionist gave me a slight nod.

"Thank you."

I had a patch over my eye. I had no idea what they did after they knocked me out with some anesthesia for several hours. As far as they were allowed to tell me, they could save my eye without having to gouge it out.

Medicine these days.

I groggily sat down in the waiting room, waiting for the student council boy to come back from somewhere. The doctors told me that his sister was here and he wanted to check up on her. I pulled out my phone and turned it on, only to see over 50 messages from Lily.

"uziiii are u okay"



And 47 more messages along those lines.

I quickly texted her back "im completly fine i have a patch ovr my eye but its all good" then I added "still in hospital. dads on buisness trip rn. i dont think hed care tbH"

The lack of proper grammar and spelling concerned me, so I added again, "im still alil drugged up from surgery btw sryy if i spell weirdyl"

Lily quickly responded with "(o・_・)ノ"(ノ_<、)" and a sticker from one of her 27 sticker packs.

I started to think about Niko. Why did he stay, waiting for me for so long? I noticed he had left his phone behind as it buzzed in the chair next to me. I picked it up and saw several messages from his unlocked phone. Looks like he doesn't have auto-sleep mode on. I mean, a little peek at what he was doing for three hours wouldn't hurt...

student council official gc (real)


ai !!: i just heard what happened is everything okay

luka :33: niko!!!! u just left me here with vi an jules!!! u meanie!! >:<

juliet: niko akamine i swear to god get back here class is starting in 15 minutes

ai !!: juliet niko is probably on a fucking ambulance rn

juliet: wait WHAT

ai !!: location tracking is cool

i'm fine guys promise

not sure abt the girl with me tho she has been threatening to bite me for the whole ambulance ride

vi <3: deserved

luka :33: i grabbed ur homework niko

luka you're not even in 2nd year how did you

yk what i wont ask

btw how's the girl i talked to in the hallway

yk the one who accidentally stabbed uzi in the eye

ai !!: y mean lily?? she's still very shaken up by what happened but i think she's fine???

vi <3: how do you already know all of the first year's names i can't even remember the treasurer dude half the time

:( vienna my name is on my contact

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