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A/N: this will probably be a one shot :) enjoy

It's over, N thought as he was punted outside the cathedral and collapsed into a pile of rocks somewhere outside. He didn't really know where he was. 

Only that he failed.

A disgusting realization was settling into his system as he stared at the cursed sky of that cursed planet. 

I failed all of them. 

Tessa died because of me, V died because of me.

Uzi is dead.. because of me. 

How.. could i let that happen to her? She trusted me. She trusted me and-

His train of thought was interrupted as he coughed up enough oil to drown in. He didn't get up. He knew he wouldn't die, and would it really be so bad if he did? 

There's no one left who'd miss me anyway.

They all died because of me.

If not for me.. Uzi might be with her mom right now. She'd get the patch and cure herself and be happy with her family.

But I... i ruined everything

If only it had been me and not her

maybe it can be me

It won't bring her back, but it's the least i deserve after all I've done to her.

To them. To all of them.

To everyone who cared about me. 

Ridden with disgust at himself, he rummaged through his settings to find anything.

Anything that would shut him down. 

So he could stop hurting people he cared about.

Settings > files > memories


Settings > files > passwords


Settings> data > backups


Settings> user settings > shut off 

Yeah. That

Settings> user settings> shut off

warning ⚠️ This process is permanent and data can not be restored after your drone is shut off. Proceed with caution ⚠️ 

Cancel                                          Proceed



After the events of Murder drones episode 7Where stories live. Discover now