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"Jiji, did I do anything?" I asked her.

"Yes, quite a lot happened like you kissing Nidal and Nidal breaking up with -"

"I WHAT!" I yelled, cutting her off.

"You two kissed." She said calmly.

"Was he drunk?" I asked. Jiji shook her head.

"I'm having a word with him." I said and ran off before Jiji could stop me.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I shouted, bursting into his room.

"Tell you what?" He asked.

"That we kissed?"

"Damn, you weren't supposed to find out about that." He said.

"Why's that."

"Because I didn't know you were drunk! I wouldn't have kissed you if I knew!" He said, getting up.

"So you would kiss me?" I said.

"I mean, I wasn't thinking straight." He replied.

"So you wouldn't kiss me." I responded.

"I don't know, okay!" He said.

"You're such a two-faced person!" I yelled and was about to walk out when he grabbed my arm.

"I know I messed up, but I need you to know that I have liked you since we were kids!" He said.


"I still like you!" He said.

"Me too." I replied.

He smiled.

I grabbed his neck, pulling him towards me. I lifted up my hand and slapped him around the face.

He stumbled backwards. Holding his cheek.

"Why did you do that!" He said.

"You deserve it. I've been wanting to do it for ages." I said.

"Yeah, well, I don't think nows the time for that." He said laughing.

I laughed and then walked out of the room.

I went outside and sat down with them. Winston was now an adult, and he had his own kids.

I scrolled through tiktok and messaged my uncle.

"Hey." Nidal said and sat down next to me.

"Sup." I replied, not taking my eyes off my phone.

"I have to ask you something." He said.

"What to tidy your room." I said laughing.

"That would be nice, but no. It's important." He said. I turned off my phone and gave him my full attention.

"I'm really sorry about everything that's happened and I want to try and be friends again." He said, picking at the grass.

I grinned and flung my arms around his neck, causing us both to roll onto the floor. I laughed, and he hugged me back. Our faces just inches away.

"I would love to." I whispered, fiddling with his hair. He smirked.

"What?" I asked, pulling my hands out of his hair.

He put them back onto his head.

"It feels good." He said, closing his eyes. I chuckled and stood up. He squinted back up at me.

"Come back! Don't leave me!" He said, pretending to cry.

"Ew, stop!" I said laughing as I ran back inside.

"We are bestie booboos again." I announced as I strode into Jijis' room.

Salish looked up.

"Ah, two boos must be good." She said, smiling.

I nodded and fell onto the bed next to her.

"Yay, then you two can be a couple." Jiji said after she finished a tiktok.

"Yeah, sure." I said, not knowing what I was agreeing to.

Jiji squeeled and jumped up and down.

"I'm gonna tell everyone the great news!" She said, pulling out her phone.

"You do that, girl!" I said cheering her on.

"Wait, you actually want to get with Nidal?" Salish said.

"What! I never said that!" I yelled, flopping off the bed and getting up quickly.

"Oops." Jiji said.

"What do you mean, oops!" I said, running over.

I looked down at her phone.



Ty for reminding me! I forgot and then saw my phone spamming me with notifications.

Hope this chapter was okay! The next one is coming soon!! <3 💗

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now