It's been some months since Leighton Murray and Alicia broke up.
In the meantime she came out, kissed almost every lesbian on campus and just had alot of fun. But something was missing in her life... something serious.
All the woman she met ended up in bed with her but thats is. No second dates and only drama, alot of drama when one found out that she also saw her ex and vice versa...

"Leightonnn you need to go on a serious date again" Kimberly, one of her roomates sighed "I can't bare you being single anymore, and those girls you meet are kinda annoying"
"Let her have fun Kimberly!" her other roomate, Bela, said.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I dont want to discuss my love life with you, ugh" Leighton rolled her eyes and got up from the couch "I am leaving, you have your relationship talks" she quickly said, took her jacket and left her dorm. Even tho she didn't seem like it, she thought about Kimberly's words alot. She was right, she kinda misses being in a relationship. She would actually go back to Alicia if she had the change but... wait - now that I am officiall out maybe she would give me a second chance  she asked herself and finally knew where to go.

It was 6 o'clock so she was pretty sure the women's center had a meeting. She hasn't been there since her last hour of community service so it felt kinda cringe going back but for her suprise all the girls were happy to see her.
"Heyy" she said and couldn't hide a big smile.
"Leighton...what are you doing here?" Alicia frowend and got up.
Seeing that she wasn't really happy to see her kinda hurts "I uhm... I just missed being here, I felt extra social today so why not hang with the gang?" Omg I did definitely NOT said that! What is wrong with me?! Leighton smiled embarrassed and cleared her throat.
She wanted to keep a conversation going before she completely cringes out. Luckily she saw a strange girl sitting on the couch
"Oh you got new members! Thats fantastic"
"Yea, Are you okay Leighton? It's nice that you visit us but you doesn't seem like yourself" Ginger marked.

"You know what?It was a stupid idea coming here, I'm sorry"
"No its fine" Alicia finally said "you are actually the right person to help us plan our next charity event, you have the eye for decorations - but our style you know! Not fancy and all"
"Yes yes of course "women's center fancy" and not actual fancy. I know." Leighton sat down and looked at the group.
"Oh this is Maddie, by the way, she's new on campus" Alicia introduced her to the girl she didn't knew.
"Hey" the blonde woman looked at Leighton and slightly smiled.
"Hey uhm I am Leigh-" she got cut off by her "I know"
Leighton looked suprised but didnt cared enough "Okayy good, then lets start planning!"

The young women planned the charity event and had alot of laughter. Leighton felt so happy being with other queer people and seeing Alicia again.
It was fun until this new girl thought she knows it better and Leighton hates criticism.

"This is surreal Leighton and I think it definitely doesn't fit our event, I thought you know what the difference between" womens center fancy" and actual fancy is." she imitadet the way Leighton called it and crossed her arms.

Leighton raised an eyebrow "Oh just some minutes ago all the others liked my ideas"
"Yea whatever" Maddie rolled her eyes.
"I know this women's center better than you do, newbie, trust me" Leighton wanted to prove a point.
"Yea because you had to serve community hours, not because you actually care" she laughed abit
"How do you kn- How does she know" Leighton asked Ginger suprised. The women nodded at Alicia "she's her girlfriend"

Her girlfriend?! she repeated in her head. Outsch that hurt...Does this mean she just spent one hour planning a event to impress her ex only to find out she is not single anymore? She got up "I actually have to go now anyways, its getting late and I am having a date" she lied annoyed and left.

"Urghhh she has a girlfriend!" she told her roomates and layed down at the couch.
"Who?" Whitney was confused. "I don't know, where have you been?" Kimberly asked and and sat down on the carpet.
"I feel so stupid!" Leighton put her hands on her face and took a deep breath.
"Do you want to tell us what happened?"
"I was at the women's center, because I thought I could see Alicia again but she has a girlfriend. I dont like her she is like all annoying and stuff" she sighed.
"Maybe you are just jealous and she is really kind" Kimberly always tries to see the good in people.
"Wait, you wanted to date Alicia again? Why?!"
"See, thats why I don't talk to you about my relationships" Leighton got up "and she is not nice!!"

Thank you for reading <3
I hope you liked the first chapter and will come back to read the next one

Btw english isn't my first language so please be nice haha

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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