chapter 5 raid

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In party

It was a grand party palace A palace is decorated beautifully from outside. Many people infront of palace standing, walking and talking. Media was also there cause the person who had hold party is CEO of a well known company and supporter of politician lee sung ha party. To record many famous faces media was standing outside with cameras and mics. While everything is going calmly. Than 5 cars made there way toward palace. They stop infront of palace. Media become alert and start to take photos and videos. Than a bodyguard open the door of middle 3 car. Revealing kim Taehyung from first car, kim jennie from 2nd car and kim namjoon and his wife kim eunseo from 3rd car. Media start to take there photos and videos. Kim namjoon take his wife hand lock with him and everyone walking toward palace gate.

Guards were protecting them from media eyes. Flashing light surrounded them. But they didnt turn left or right. They enter inside the palace. A worker standing there bow at them and show them the way where is party.

They walk in hall with their bodyguards with them. That young lady take them with her and open the door of party hall revealing, a big hall full with many people where waiters and waitresses walking with same dress code. Whole hall is looking beautiful and ethereal.

They walk inside everyone saw them and turn toward them to see the grace and pride of kims family walking in party hall.

Jimin, jungkook and hoseok were talking with each other and drinking. There eyes also fell on Taehyung and others.

"Hey guys you finally here" jimin spoke. Than they talk for sometime while namjoon and eunseo were talking to Mr and Mrs shin and giving blessings to there daughter.

Everyone was having fun Taehyung and other were chit chatting than namjoon and eunseo come toward them suddenly namjoon spoke looking at his phone

"Lets go to politician lee, he must be finding us"everyone nod and start to walk. Taehyung on other hand her his phone vibrate. He take out his phone and saw a massage from his mom.

I got information that someone has leak the information about our drug deal to narcotics drug department.

They are on there way for raid in shin palace. Be carefull all of you....


Don't worry we will take care here...

After the conversation Taehyung off the phone and put it in his pocket. They all saw politician lee standing there and talking with guests. Politician lee saw them than he excuse the person he was talking to and walk toward Taehyung and others side with huge smile on his face. He come toward them and speak to speak.

"How are you everyone" namjoon smile and spoke.

"Good, how about you" Mr lee chuckle and spoke.

"I am good" saying this Mr lee come close to them and spoke in low voice.

"By the way I wanna talk about our deal, shall we go in room to talk privately" hearing this namjoon nod his head. " ok than lets go" Mr lee spoke walking toward a room. They all start to walk jennie look at jimin and smirk at him. He smirk back. Everyone enter inside a room and sit on couch.

"So what is it that you want to ask Mr lee" eunseo ask puting her left leg on other. Suddenly Mr lee clear his throat and lose his tie around neck.

"Its just I want something to clear" everyone just look at him without saying letting him continue. Mr lee continue.

"Ah. Its actually nothing but the think is. You know I am politician and our deal is not easy. If anyhow you got caught during deal. Make sure that my name didn't come anywhere" hearing this everyone in room face turn cold and scary one. Than suddenly Taehyung spoke.

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