23 - I miss him

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I didn't know if I should ignore Tyler all because I loved Taylor. If I return back to Taylor and tell Tyler, yes I'm fucking dating Taylor Dobrev, he'd be furious and then leave me.

And by the end of the month, Taylor would leave me also, and I'd be alone, so there was no point in having Tyler leave me. I sighed as I came off the counter, kept the carton back in the fridge as I went back upstairs into my room.

Arriving in my bedroom, I made my way towards my bed as I fell on it with a deep sigh of relief. Just then I heard my phone ding as my eyes grew. Who could that be? I immediately sat up as I fixed my hair and brought my phone from under my pillow where I had kept it.

It was Taylor. I stared at the text. Should I tap it and see what he texted? I sighed. No. It was only two more days remaining, he could at least bare 48 hours. I mean, Tyler would only be convinced we're not dating if I ignore him.


" You have three days to prove he isn't your lover. Then will I believe, you're not dating your boss. Don't go to work for those days, ignore his texts and calls. Ignore him entirely. And when you go back on Wednesday, if he doesn't fires you. You are, his girlfriend." Tyler said as I watched him drive off.


I gasped immediately I remembered Tyler's words. He wanted Taylor to fire me. No! Even if I ignore Taylor, he still wouldn't fire me and I wouldn't let him. I sighed scratching my head.

" Tyler...! What are you trying to do huh? Mess with my head? I'm not dating Taylor why don't you get it?!" I hissed as I laid back down with a sigh. I shut my eyes calmly to only be disturbed by coming messages.

I stared at my screen and it was all coming from Taylor. Only god knew what he was sending. I sighed. I had already 20 messages from Taylor. I sighed as I switched off my phone. Maybe I wouldn't be tempted to glance at the messages if my phone was off.

I sighed. I missed Taylor, and I'm missing him more than I've ever missed anyone in my life.


I sat on my bed watching a movie on my laptop when my phone rang. Staring at the caller's ID, it was Tyler. I sighed as I swiped green. " What's up?" I asked. " Busy?" He asked. " No. just watching Netflix and eating popcorn that's all." I said.

" What's the name of the movie?" Tyler asked. " Um.. uh..." I stammered as I stare at the movie I was watching. ' 365 days'. I coughed as I sighed. " Is everything alright?" Tyler asked as I hummed.

" Are you watching the forbidden movie?" Tyler asked as I smiled. " Hey.. it's not forbidden." I say. " Well, you hardly understand some things going on there." Tyler said.

" I do. What I mean is.. it's not that bad. I close my eyes at some toxic scenes." I said. " Toxic." Tyler said as I smiled. I paused the movie as I kept my laptop down. " It's almost 3am why are you still awake?" I asked. " I'm working." He said as I hummed.

I came off the bed as I stepped out of my bedroom and down the stairs. " Oh... cool. Then I don't wanna be a bother. Continue then." I said.

" Wait wait. Did Taylor call?" He asked. " He did, but I didn't pick up." I said. " Don't worry Tessa, if he fires you. I'm looking for a secretary just like you." He said as I faked a smile. I wasn't at any cost planning on losing Taylor. I wanted to spend the few weeks we had left together in a more beautiful way.

" Tessa." Tyler said as I broke out of my world. " I'm alive." I said as Tyler laughed and I laughed along. I went into the kitchen as I approached the fridge. " Sorry. I kinda spaced out." I apologised. " It's alright." Tyler said as I smiled.

" Tessa. Since you won't be busy tomorrow evening, I think I wanna have dinner with you." Tyler said as I brought out a bag of chips from the fridge. " Nice Tyler.. that'll be so much fun." I said. " Chinese food?" Tyler asked.

" No no no. American food. I think I've forgotten how to eat American food since my system's now used to Chinese." I said. " Alright, what restaurant?" Tyler asked. " What American restaurant do you know?" I asked.

" There's a restaurant called Classic. It recently opened and they say it's real classic." Tyler said as I smiled. " Sure. I'll be there tomorrow." I said. " I'll come pick you up." He said as I slightly nodded. " Sure. Bye..." I said as I ended the call.

The next day.

It was a Wednesday today. I stepped out of my car carrying along me a few grocery bags as I approached the porch of my house. After I stocked everything in where it was supposed to be, I got dressed for I and Tyler's evening dinner.

I usually would have called it a date but suddenly, I didn't want it to be a date anymore. The dress I wore was body hugging revealing my beautiful hourglass like figure, I had my long brown hair made in a messy low bun and applied light makeup to my face.

I stared at the mirror as I wore the diamond necklace Taylor got me. I smiled as I touched it. Today was a Wednesday. If all this shit wasn't going on, this would have been our night.

I sighed as I hissed. Some place in my heart aches because I didn't reply Taylor's text or calls. I sighed. Well I had to bear the pain. By tomorrow, I would return to him. I sighed.

I stared at my lips with a smile. I remember our first kiss. It was the funniest and romantic as ever. Just as I was about to do a simple flashback reminisce, I heard the honk of a car right out my window.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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