Part 2 | Overran

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I woke up early today, not much earlier than normal but I still woke up early. I've been up for the past few hours. Momma's doing something, I'm not sure what but I don't mind because I'm sitting next to Carl and Sofia at the activity table coloring in a ladybug. I love ladybugs, they're small and pretty.

Sofia's coloring in a butterfly and Carl's coloring in a dinosaur. I lean over to have a look at Sofia's butterfly.

"That's very pretty," I say, complimenting Sofia's coloring with a polite smile.

"Thank you, Calliope." She says, looking at mine. "I like your ladybug. It's colored in very neatly."

I smile slightly at her compliment. "Thank you, I thought it would be cool to add a bunch of different colors. I love green and blue so I wanted to put it in the picture." I say, explaining my reasoning behind the ladybug.

Sofia just smiles and goes back to coloring. I then turn to Carl and look at his coloring.

"I like your dinosaur, Carl," I say to Carl with a smile.

"Thanks, Callie," Carl responds and goes back to coloring. I do the same.


After about an hour of coloring, Andrea and Amy came up with a BUNCH of fish in their hands, both me and Carl jumped up from our seats to look at the fish.

"Cool," I say, Looking at the fish with a look of awe.

"Mom look, look at all the fish!" Carl says

"Thank you," Lori says through a chuckle.

"Woah," Carl says

"Yeah woah, where did you two learn to do that?" Lori asks

"Our dad," Amy responds

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Carl asks

"Me too!" I say.

"Sure. I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff."

"If that's okay," Amy says, getting permission from Lori, and both Carl and I look at her for an answer.

"You won't catch me arguing," Lori says.

As I turn away I see my Momma walking over, I run up to her and wrap my arms around her, making her chuckle slightly. She ruffles my hair.

"What's got you in such a rush, Cal?" She asks, Looking down at me.

"Amy and Andrea brought back a bunch of fish," I say, clearly excited. My momma chuckles at my excitement again.

"I'm happy to hear that, baby."

I nod my head. "Can I show you my coloring?"

"Of course, baby."


Momma's making me do math. I hate math, I hated it even more when I went to school though. I was always scared that the teacher would call on me to solve a problem and that I'd get it wrong so the whole class would laugh at me because I was stupid or something. At least now it's only me, Carl, and Sofia doing math. I know they won't laugh if I get something wrong, They're too nice.

Earlier, Jim started digging holes and got mad at everyone because they tried to stop him. Shane ended up having to tackle him to the ground to make him stop. I feel bad for Jim, he probably just has a hobby of digging holes or something, I like to cut paper and make bracelets when I'm bored, Maybe he likes to dig. Now everyone's being cautious around him. I see why, I just feel bad.

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