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Jimin got inside the room and locked it behind while the alpha is shaking in fear.

Meanwhile outside the room hazel is patiently waiting for something to happen, I mean something good. When she saw the room door closed hazel slowly made her way to their room.

While climbing the stairs she heard louds noise of groans coming from the room. As she went near the room, the noise become more prominent. 

She suddenly blushed when she thought of the reason behind the groan. She quealled jumping around like a fangirl.

"Omg!!! omg!!!, I didn't thought jimin would be this fast. Super" she danced happily.

For the past 15 mins the sound continued and hazel continued her weird dance. Suddenly the noise stopped and the door abruptly opened freezing hazel in the midway. There stood jimin with disheveled hair crinkled shirt and breathing heavily. He moved a strand of his hair from his forehead harshly before walking away like he didn't even notice a figure standing infront. Hazel smiled blushingly as her assumptions were correct. She thought.

Once jimin left, hazel entered the room and saw jungkook who is lying on his stomach on the bed. The whole room is a total mess. She looked at jungkook who is groaning lowly on the pillow. 

"Omg oppa!! You are really awesome. I just asked you to act for gaining jimin's trust but you went a step ahead and made him fall for you that you had fun now" she said teasingly without minding the alpha's condition. When she didn't get any response other than the groans she frowned.

"Oppa jimin had already gone. So stop with your acting " she said but jungkook continued to groan.

"Oppa I said stop with your acting now!" She warned but no change.

"You!! Wait!!"

She huffed and took a pillow from other side of the bed and bet jungkook with that.

"ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!" and that's it jungkook passed out.

Next morning
In taehyung's hospital

Yoongi entered the hospital with a mask covered his beautiful face to prevent any unwanted attention.

"Can I meet Dr. Kim Taehyung" he asked to the receptionist. She lifted her gaze up from the computer.

"Do you have appointment?"

"No actually I'm his friend. I want to meet him for some personal reason"

"Your name"

Yoongi gulped at the question as he don't know what to say.

"Sorry I can't tell you, I want to surprise him"

"Okay wait let me inform him" she said. Yoongi nodded.

After talking on the telephone she looked at yoongi

"You can meet him, he is in his cabin. Go to 8th floor there you can find his cabin" she said politely. Yoongi thanked her and walked to the 8th.

In the 8th floor he found a door written Chief Doctor Kim taehyung. His lips automatically curved up under the mask. He directly made his way towards the cabin and knocked the door.

"Come in"

Yoongi entered inside and saw taehyung who is sitting majestically on his seat with white court. Taehyung looked up and frowned.

"Who are you?"

" Any Guess"

"Sorry I don't know and I have handful of works. So please don't play and come to the point for what you came here

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