(Part 1) Chapter 15: Through the Trapdoor

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Whoa! We're only 2 chapters away from the end of this story! That's 108 pages total of writing! Get ready for the crazy ride to the end and enjoy!

The moment I was released from the hospital wing that morning, the bruising around my throat and other minor cuts healed fully, I ran straight to the Gryffindor dorms to see if Harry had explained everything that had happened, everything about Voldermort...

My trio of friends were waiting patiently around the fire, similarly to me, it looked as if none of them had gotten any sleep last night.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're okay!" Hermione would say, being the first to jump up and hug me with surprising strength, followed suit by Harry and then Ron.

"Now will the two of you finally tell us what in the world happened during detention?" Ron would chime in, anxious to hear the story. With that, the two of us would explain everything, from the unicorn to being dragged off into the woods, to the rescue, and then to the information we had gotten out of our new centaur friend Firenze.

"HE DRAGGED YOU INTO THE WOODS!?" Hermione would cry out in horror, wrapping me in another tight hug as if she was afraid I would be dragged off once more, this time she showed no signs of letting go. "You're lucky you survived and that Firenze got there in time!"

"Especially if you're telling us that this hooded figure could be You-Know-Who!" Ron would add in dread, his face even paler than usual as he stared at his friend.

I would nod, chiming in with a question, "How in the world are we supposed to deal with this whole Voldermort being brought back to life situation?"

"For the love of everything, please stop saying his name!" Ron would moan as Hermione spoke next.

"Well, we still have Fluffy that Snape might not know how to get through, and I've heard that Dumbledore is the only person stronger than You-Know-Who, so as long as he's around I think we'll be safe." The brunette girl would reply, both she and Ron seeming far less panicked about the whole situation than Harry and I. Ugh, I can already tell that finals week will be the longest one yet...


How we were able to make it through finals week I will never know, but it was pretty clear at this point that Snape and whoever he was working with had yet to be able to find a way past Fluffy, thank goodness for that.

Today was finally our last of exams, they would be in our Potions and our History of Magic periods. Since both Hermione and I were rather well versed in both of these classes we decided to divide and conquer the last-minute reviews Ron and Harry had requested, a little late to say the least, but we made whatever time we had before breakfast useful.

I decided to take on Potions (due to having a little experience in helping study for this department) while Hermione decided to go with History of Magic. I started with Ron but traded off for Harry after about an hour of studying between the two of us. Harry would eventually make his way to my favorite spot on the far side of the lake about fifteenish minutes after Ron had left, it was under a tree very close to the edge of the water.

Whenever I was alone the 'mermaids' of the lake, not quite the beautiful mythical beings everyone thought they were but still a fascinating civilization, would oftentimes come to the surface to say hi ever since I had accidentally knocked my lunch into the water and befriended one of them, I was even learning bits and pieces of their language!

I would give a small wave towards the water where a few various forms could be seen swimming away from my spot before turning my attention to Harry, he looked tired... I could tell something was going on, but as the two sat down Harry would speak first before I even had a chance to ask.

The Great Adventures of Harry and Y/N, Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now