Mnet and Hate comments

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Joshua stirs in his sleep, if he can call closing his eyes sleep. Today is their showcase and his manager informed him that he will be speaking at Mnet. To say he was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified. Not being good at Korean and speaking Infront of many Korean natives, you can guess how would he be feeling. Sighing he gets up from his bed. Reaching the night table where he kept his phone. He unplugs it from the charger and sees the time. It was still too early to be awake, which only increased his anxiety.

Waking up too early and not having enough sleep can cause stress eye bags and he didn't wanted to get scolded for his dishleved state. He goes towards bathroom and washes up. Getting freshed, he quitely makes his way to the kitchen. Making sure no one else wakes up. His eyes widen when he sees Jihoon and Seungcheol sitting on table in kitchen. Both having a cup of coffee in their hands. Seungcheol smiles upon seeing and ushers him in. "How was sleep?" He asks. "Well as much as one could get before showcase." Joshua mutters. "Hehehe. I get that. We both also weren't able to sleep." Seungcheol pats him on the back and Jihoon offers him coffee.

Thanking both of them mentally he takes the coffee cup and starts to gulp it down. "So, you prepared any speech for your Mnet? Want me to help you?" Jihoon asks. "I would appreciate that. I kind of prepared a speech but I would like it if you read it for me once. You know I'm not so good at Korean." Jihoon smiles kindly and promises to read. "Btw, you guys saw the comments on music video? People really liked the album. It's even hitting the top charts on Spotify." Seungcheol happily chimes. And Joshua thinks how one can smile this widely? 'he looks cute tho.' his inner voice says and joshua immediately mentally slaps himself for even thinking about their leader like that, who didn't even seem interested in him. In that way, at least.

"Yeah. It's got quite a hype." Jihoon replies. "Good morning." Jeonghan's sleepy voice catches the three's attention. He comes inside the kitchen and latches himself to Joshua's back. Hugging his waist. "Damn I'm so sleepy." He comments. "Then why are you up?" Seungcheol questions. "I was feeling like it." They all frown in union at his answer. Well Jeonghan is known for his ambiguous personality and nonsense talk. So they didn't focused much. "Want coffee?" Joshua offers, eyes starring at blonde head on his shoulder. Jeonghan sighs grumpily and takes the cup, unlatching himself from Joshua.

"Oh I remember, Joshuji did you got your speech ready? You're speaking at the Mnet with me today right?" Joshua nods, Nervous.
"Hey, everything is going to be fine. Don't worry okay?" Jeonghan comforts noticing his nervousness. "You have us all with you. Even if you get stuck between your speech we will be there to support you. So don't bear it all alone." Jeonghan rubs his biceps, conveying through touch that he was there for him. And Joshua felt so relieved. So happy to have other with him. When he first came to Korea he was so worried, so alone. He didn't had anyone to talk to or rely to. But then Jeonghan came, noticing the other's uncomfortableness and loneliness. He became friends with him.

And when this friendship turned into something more. Joshua never knew. Now he just only knows that he feels everything for Jeonghan, more than mere friendship..and it's weird, because being around Seungcheol also makes him feel these stupid feelings. He possibly can't be in love with two people at same time. Was it even possible? Joshua gets shrugged out of his thoughts, when a hand clasps him at his back. "Where are you lost hyung?"  Mingyu beams. "Ah, nowhere just this and that." He says and taller smiles widely, showing his cannies. Which Wonwoo apparently adores alot. "Well if you don't mind. Can you make breakfast with me? Apparently you're the only one I trust who'd won't burn kitchen." Joshua nods, feeling bad for Mingyu, who has to make breakfast, and sometimes lunch and dinner for 13 people.

Time Skip~

Day went by and soon came the time for speech. Joshua didn't knew how'd he survived whole performance. Even in middle of it, he kept on thinking about how he has to give the speech. His mind going spiral and legs trembling, he stands with mic in his hands. Palms getting sweaty, tongue wetting his lips as he clears his throat. "Hii, how are you all? First of all thank you soo much Carat for giving so much love to our album." He smiles, as Carats claps their hands, hooting. "I looked up your comments and reviews and it warmed my heart. You all have given us so much support since our debut. And I think we've only come this far because of you being side by side with us."  He stops, takes a deep breath and continues.

"I was feeling so nervous about what would I say to you. But now that I am standing here, face to face with you. I don't feeling anything but h-happi..ness." His voice cracks, eyes tearing up a bit. And then Joshua realizes, he has forgotten what to say next. Not a single thing coming to his mind he wides his eyes. Ready to shed tears at anytime. But God bless Seungcheol and Jeonghan, who as promised, stood beside him and took the speech ahead. "Thank you soo much for all the support and love. We hope you will continue to do so in future too." Seungcheol smiles his gummy smile. Eyes crinkling, he mouths 'don't worry' to him.

"Joshuji here is overwhelmed. So I will take the initiative to complete his speech." Jeonghan's voice was soothing to his ears. "I really really am happy for all the love given to our new album. We thought so much about you all when we wrote the songs or made melody. Lots of thoughts and our love was pored into it, so that we could make it as perfect as we can for you. I love you carats. Please continue to support us like you've always done." Finishing Jeonghan turns towards him. Smile wide he mouths him, 'everything's fine.' Joshua smiles too, big and beautiful.

Everything went fine and soon they came back home. Their showcase was going to be uploaded tomorrow and None of them could wait. Being exhausted and working their bodies for whole day. Everyone went to their own rooms. Joshua walked inside his room and closed the door behind him. He didn't forgot thank both Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Who only gave a loving hug to him. Lingering on his skin. He felt a weird sensation. He could still smell them on his clothes and even after he had washed, their scent oddly didn't disipated. Not that he was complaining.

He sits on his bed, legs spread and thinks to open the company's shared Twitter, just to see carat's remarks on today's speech and performance. Hands shaking he nervously opens the app. The app was flooded with comments. Everyone congratulating the members for the successfulness of album and showcase. He went to search bar and searched for his speech. But the reaction he anticipated was totally different from what he got. Every single post and comment had something bad to say. It didn't meant there were weren't who were praising him. There were, and they were even defending him. But the hate comments still had an upper hand on situation.

Shifting uncomfortably in bed, he scrolls down further. A particular comment, caught his attention.

@Iamjeongcheol'sdaughter commented:

"Look at Joshua. Being a slut bitch he is. Look how he is hogging all Seungcheol and Jeonghan's attention. Attention seeker. I wish he just die. Why can't he kill himself? Getting in between Jeonghan and Seungcheol."

   queenbishes replied to this comment:
         "Wow I never thought one could even think about your idol that way. You know who's the real attention seeker? It's you bitch. Just because he is standing with them and they are talking to him. Doesn't makes him an attention seeker. You stupid shippers have nothing to do that's why you sprout such nonsense. Stupid kids with stupid puberty issues."

Joshua sighs, he knows he shouldn't read further but he couldn't help himself. Fingers scrolling he came across more of these types of hate comments. Finally after an hour of reading all types of insults to himself Joshua immediately closed the app and then his phone. Carefully keeping his phone on night stand he curled in on himself. Eyes watering as his mind repeats the hateful comments over and over like a broken record. So lost in crying and heavy breaths, Joshua didn't knew when he went to sleep. Face still masked in tears streaks.


Hiii, here I am with new ff.
It's a three-shot fanfic. I had two of my readers request me. And they both had the same theme. So I merged them both rather than writing two different.
I hope you both like this....
Thank you for trusting me enough to request this. I hope you will find it good.

And everyone else too. Thank you for your all support. I will also update "Cursed Love" today or tomorrow.

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