Part 3 | Leaving

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I couldn't sleep last night. my mind was filled with images of the walkers coming from every direction, everybody screaming, crying and even people being torn apart right before my eyes. Momma tried to calm me down before bed, but I couldn't. I noticed she was getting tired, so I just pretended to be asleep so that she could get some rest.

as soon as the sun came up, I woke up and Momma was not in the tent. she's probably up at camp. I grab my teddy and start walking over to the main camp, where I see most of the adults, Including Momma. It's extra quiet this morning. usually, Dale would be greeting us, or Sofia and Carl would be running around. It feels weird.

I look over at Andrea and Amy- or, Amy's now dead body. Andreas sitting next to Amy, it looks like she hasn't moved once since last night. She looks really sad, I want to hug her or tell her that It's gonna be okay and that Amy's in a better place but even I, A ten-year-old child know that that's not true. So instead, I sit down next to the fire pit and cuddle up to my teddy.

"Callie, hunny. why don't you go play with Carl & Sophia? they're at the tents," Momma says to me and I give her a confused look, before realizing why. She doesn't want me to see the bodies. Honestly, I don't want to see them either. they make me feel sick.

So, I do as she says and I stand up, walking back down to the tents.


After about an hour, the entire group- or what's left of the group are all up at the spot where Jim dug all those holes only yesterday, The adults are putting the dead in the holes. My momma's hands are on my shoulders, rubbing them gently as we watch. I can't help but wonder if Ed's dead though. we didn't see him last night but I haven't seen him this morning either. It's not like I care too much about Ed, I care more about Carol and Sophia. If Ed's dead, that means that Carol doesn't have a husband anymore and that Sophia doesn't have a Daddy.

I kind of get what it's like not to have a daddy. I never really had a daddy growing up. I mean, he was there, sure. but Momma says that he was never emotionally there and that he was abusive. I don't remember much from before 10, but I do remember that my daddy used to lock me in my bedroom and take the door handle off when I was bad. He also used to shoot Nerf gun bullets at me that had thumbtacks in them. I never counted it as abuse though. He still loved me, I know that. Momma says it was abuse though and that I never deserved that, but I don't know. I was bad a lot of the time, so maybe I did deserve it.

Anyway, Momma has me now and I'm really happy with her. I hope she doesn't end up like one of those monsters because she is one of my favorite people on Earth by far.

Momma tells me not to worry about this stuff, she says I'm a worryworm. that I worry too much but sometimes I can't help it. I worry till I feel sick. I don't tell anyone though, I don't want anybody to feel bad for me.


I'm sitting in my tent, playing with my teddy, wrapping him up in my blankie, and pretending that he's a baby. I've always loved babies. I wanted to be a midwife for so long, but then I realized that theirs a lot of blood and fluids involved so I decided that was not the best job for me. hate blood, or any bodily fluid for that matter. Especially vomit.

"Callie! Can you help me take down the tent and pack our stuff up?" My momma asks, and I just peek my head out of the tent with a confused look on my face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Why?" I ask.

"The groups decided to leave. It's too dangerous up here now."

"Oh." Is all I say, bringing my head back into the tent

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