Part 4 | The CDC

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The loud noise of the door kind of hurts my ears, but I don't mind. Rick was right, somebody was in there, and they're willing to help us. Momma says that there's a chance that there's a cure here. I hope so, it would suck if there wasn't.

Everybody goes rushing inside, the men holding their guns up. Momma puts me down on the floor, taking hold of my hand. she takes out her knife for some kind of protection in case a walker or somebody were to jump out at us.

"Hello?" Rick calls out as we enter the lobby.

Everybody's heads snap to the sound of a gun cocking, We look over to see a strange man standing in the doorway with a rifle in his hands. though, I'm not scared of the man. I'm scared of the way he's holding the rifle. I'm ten and even I know how to hold one.

"Anybody infected?" The man asks.

"One of our group was. he didn't make it, Rick says. god, Rick is a smart dude but that was a really stupid thing to say. mentioning Jim was not needed at all.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man asks.

"A chance," Rick says.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man says.

"I know."

The man looks at everyone.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." The man says. God, I hate blood tests. I don't care if it's the end of the world or not, blood tests will ALWAYS freak me out.

"We can do that," Rick says.

The man lowers his weapon. thank god, I couldn't bear looking at that any longer. If you're gonna have a gun, learn to hold it right if you don't want to hurt yourself.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." The man says.

We all run to the cars, grabbing our stuff before making it back to the elevator.

"VI, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." The man says into some device thingy.

"Rick Grimes."

Rick puts his hand out for Jenner to shake but Jenner looks away.

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." The man says, and I snort, everybody looks at me.

"Sorry, I like your name, Doctor," I say, slightly embarrassed, I don't know why I laughed. It wasn't even funny and I know that It's rude to laugh at people. I look down and fiddle with my fingers.

We're all packed into the large elevator. It's not as large as it looks when there's like a quadrillion people in it though.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asks, eyeing Jenner.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." Jenner says, looking at the group before his eyes land on Carl

"Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you."

Carl smiles at that, making Jenner chuckle but when he looks away, his smile fades back into that sad old man's face. I don't think he likes us very much.


Once we get out of the elevator, Jenner leads us down a hallway.

"Are we underground?" Carol speaks up.

"Are you claustrophobic?" Jenner asks.

"A little," Carol says. What the hell does claustrophobic mean?

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