White and red

63 4 7

Hhhh.... haahhuuuu...

*A man sat on a log taking deep breaths readying himself for the bloodbath he was going to make. He looked to his left to see his marble white helmet staring up at him*

*Energised, he stood up easily put the helmet on, feeling the cold metal and his peripheral be consumed by darkness he outstretched his arm and grabbed ontop a pole like object and pulled it out from the ground. He easily twirled it around and used the side blade to slide it under the strap of his shield which layed on the ground and pulled it up*

Good... I best hurry

*He outstretched his left arm and grabbed the buckler out of the air like it was nothing. He streched his arms before moving into a jog and then finally a sprint*

??? : Today... we bring tge warm embrace of war into battle! *He heard in the distance*

Muriel... Crazy woman.

*He soon saw the rest of the knight army but didn't stop. He was important nor needed. He had but only one purpose there*

Muriel : Take their fortress! Leave the Commander to me and pillage only what you can handle *She commanded as she mounted a horse covered in chainmail with red and purple colours and broke into a charge*

*As the gladiator passed he barely acknowledged a couple of figures*

Muriels second in command, Andre. Easily identifiable from the kite shield and priming sword, he was as loyal as Muriel needed him to be. Maximilian, a man disinterested in sword play but a tactical mind seconded by Muriel, he knows how to use others to get the wealth he desires. Greed will only get you so far.

*His sprint continued even as he passed the trees and into the bog*

*??? Pov*

Aizen : Master, There's knights at the gate! *The young man announced as he entered the big chamber*

*A girl with silky black hair and brown eyes looked up from fixing her clothing. She listened carefully to the conversation between Aizen and her father*

Reul : Knights... just when we had finished fending off the vikings. Defend the wall and keep their siege machines away from the gate. Aizen, take plenty of warriors with yourself to hold the outside areas. Takamatsu! Lead the archers *The old Kensei orders them around. Except for his daughter*

Kasumi : What about me father? *She eagerly asked awaiting to be sent onto the battlefield*

Reul : Kasumi... you'll lead the merchants and civilians out the back and to safety

Kasumi : But father! Let me help the rest of you! I've trained for so long, haven't I proven myself?

Reul : Enough Kasumi. Our enemy is dangerous and more equipped unlike some bandits. Now go

*Kasumi sighed and turned around. She swiftly grabbed her Naginata and slipped on her head cover as she left*

Why? I protected the people just like you always asked me to. I humbled myself when I was put in charge of protecting a village in the middle of nowhere instead of the capital but you still ridicule me. I don't understand you father

*Finally, Kasumi made it outside and she pushed her way past a group of warriors and down a set of stairs leading down to the back gate where she saw the people under her protection*

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