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Dylan's nerves were currently through the roof. Her and Taylor were on their way to Andrea's house to get Taylor's cats and see her mother.

Dylan hadn't seen or spoken to Andrea since she and Taylor had broken up, so Dylan doesn't know what the older woman knows.

As the car pulled up to Andrea's house, Taylor gave Dylan a reassuring smile, which didn't really work.

When the two girls stepped out of the car, Andrea was stood waiting for them at the front door.

Taylor ran into her mother's arms and engulfed her in a warm hug, while Dylan just stood awkwardly to the side.

The older woman pulled away from her daughter and turned to look at Dylan,

"Hello Dylan," Andrea smiled,

"Hey Andrea," Dylan smiled politely, and before she could say anything else, Andrea had pulled her in for a hug.

That was enough confirmation for Dylan to know that this trip definitely wasn't going to be awkward.

The three women made their way inside of the house.

When Dylan walked into the livingroom, she was instantly greeted by Meredith, Olivia and Andrea's dog Kitty.

Taylor's 2 cats were both rolling around like maniacs at Dylan's feet while Kitty was jumping all over her,

"Wow, they must've missed you," Taylor laughed

"I would say so," Dylan replied struggling a laugh as the large dog was currently trying to jump into her arms

"Okay Kitty, leave her alone," Andrea warned in a stern voice causing the dog to move away from Dylan

"You've gotten better at training, Andrea," Dylan teased causing Andrea to laugh

"Yeah, well, Austin helped," Andrea smiled, "But I actually have a favour to ask of you Dylan,"

"What's up?"

"Could you take her a walk for me? It's just really hot outside and I hate the heat," The older woman asked with a sweet smile, Kitty's leash in her hand

"Yeah sure," Dylan smiled in return

Andrea clipped on Kitty's leash and headed towards the front door, Taylor following behind her,

"Oh wait, Taylor, can you hang back? I need your help starting the barbecue,"

"Oh, okay mom," Taylor replied, "If you get lost, call me,"

Dylan nodded in response to Taylor before making her way out of Andrea's house, Kitty walking beside her.

To Dylan's surprise, the large dog was actually calm and was very well behaved when she was walking on her leash.

Dylan took out her phone and typed up the directions to the nearest park, Centennial Park. It was only a 15 minute walk away from Andrea's house so that's where she was headed.


Dylan had been in the park for a while now with Kitty. She was surprised that Taylor hadn't sent out a search party for her and the dog yet, better yet, when the actress checked her phone to see if Taylor texted her, her screen was blank.

No texts, no phone calls.

Dylan didn't know why, but this made her feel uneasy. She unlocked her phone and clicked on Taylor's name to call her,

"Hey love, just calling you to let you know Kitty and I are at the park," Dylan said when Taylor answered the phone, Taylor could practically see her girlfriend's grin through the phone

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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