Chapter 22

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Harper lets out a low groan and hits the back of her head against the headrest a couple of times before Alistar reaches out and cups a hand behind her neck, rolling his eyes at her glare.

"Harper? Harper? Are you there? I really don't have a lot of energy to spare," Lily's annoyed tone echoes out from the phone speaker. "Please tell me you are on your way back."

"Sorry Lils. Was just trying to process that Kye was dumb enough to abandon his boyfriend in an airport in another country without even a text or call." A snort from her right causes Harper to freeze. Turning to look at Alistar, she feels her eyes widen as she takes in the smile on the demon's face. "Oh my god. You think this is funny, don't you," she asks, momentarily forgetting about the ghost on the other end.

"Of course not, Har! Why would I find Kye being in trouble funny?!"

"Naturally," the demon responds nonchalantly. "Werecreatures and demons are not friends. So when one of them makes an error, I do take pleasure in that."

"Haaarrper!" Lily whines, causing the phone to screech with white noise, bringing Harper flashbacks of dial-up internet. "Are you listening to me?? This is like the most awful thing that could happen to his and Yuki's relationship, and you think I would find it funny??"

"No, I don't think you'd find it funny. But apparently Alistar does. I don't know what is shocking me more: the fact that Kye would make such a colossal mistake or the Alistar picked today to develop a personality," she said, ignoring the rude gesture her car companion shot her at the remark.

"Oh boo-hoo," Lily snaps, causing Harper to sit up straight. She's never heard such a tone out of the generally bubbly ghost. "You must have it so hard being stuck in a car with a hot guy that is finally starting to like you. I feel really bad for you right now."

"Woah, Lily! What's with the attitude? I didn't tell Kye to leave Yuki behind. I actually encouraged him to stay in Japan. So why are you getting mad at me?"

The phone fell silent. For a moment Harper was afraid that the call dropped, but when she pulls it back, she sees that it is still connected. Maybe Lily ran out of energy? Or maybe she is just that angry. Harper is about to apologize to the ghost when her static laced voice reappears again.

"Kye...he's my best friend," Lily says shakily, like she is holding back tears that her body is no longer able to produce. "Besides you, the demon twins, and now the dragon posse, I don't have anyone else to talk to. And when we talk, he makes me feel like I'm alive again. Like I am taking part of life instead of just passively watching it go by. So I want him to be happy, and I know Yuki makes him happy. He worked so hard to forgive Yuki after the whole 'turning him into a whale' thing and fix their relationship, and I don't ---. to see Yuki throw --- relationship away because Kye --- a mistake. He's always trying --- make me happy, so ---I want to --- help ---him be---."

By the end of the message, Lily's voice is starting to fade but Harper understands what the ghost was getting at.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay," Harper says in what she hopes is a soothing tone. "I'll be home soon and can help Kye smooth everything over. The two have been through worse than this. You just go take a break, recharge, and then be there for Kye when he is ready to talk, okay?"

"O--y. By- -ar..."

"Bye Lily. See you soon."

Harper hangs up the phone and, with a heavy sigh, throws it down on the seat between her and Alistar. "Demons can shape shift, right," she asks while rubbing her palms against her eyes.

"I choose to wait to respond until I understand the context of the question."

"Want to pretend to be me and go terrorize a bunch of high schoolers tomorrow?"

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