Chapter 44

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"Jinnie, wake up. You'll be late for school."

When Seokjin opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Jimin waking him up.

"Did I oversleep?" He asked Jimin.

"A little. I thought you'll be sleeping at Taehyung's room?" Jimin asked.

"I did. But I woke up in the middle of the night because I was looking for Jungkook. I missed to say goodnight to him. He was not in his room and also not in my room. Did he go out last night?" Seokjin asked.

"He did. He said he'll just meet you at school." Jimin said. "Get up and take a shower. I cooked breakfast for you and Taehyung." He said, tapping Seokjin's feet, before leaving him to his room.

Seokjin looked at his phone and still did not receive a single message from Jungkook which do not usuallt happen. He sighed thinking that maybe Jungkool was having a good time with his friend.

"I miss him." He said to himself before going ahead to the shower room.


They were already in the middle of their lecture when Jungkook entered the classroom quietly. He sat in his usual seat and Seokjin smiled at him as soon as he saw him.

However, Jungkook did not smile back as he was deep in his thoughts. Seokjin got worried and was not able to listen very well to their lecture after.

"Seokjin, should we take our lunch together?" Hoseok said waiting for him, with Yoongi.

"I just need to check on Jungkook." Seokjin said.

"I am here." Jungkook said behind him.

"Oh. Should we take our lunch now." Seokjin asked.

Jungkook nodded at him.

As they were walking, Yoongi and Hoseok were talking about their next class but Seokjin is just observing Jungkook.

"I messaged you last night." Seokjin said.

Jungkook looked at him. "I lost my phone." He said.

"What?! That's why I was not able to contact you. Where were you last night? I've been looking for you."

"I did not know you would notice." Jungkook said in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Seokjin asked.

"Nothing." Jungkook said but Seokjin just pouted.

"Oh isn't that---" Hoseok was about to say upon seeing a familiar figure walking towards them.


Seokjin and Jungkook looked at the source of the voice. Seokjin was surprised to see that same gorgeous man from months ago, wearing shades and smiling at his Jungkook.

"I'll just talk to him." Jungkook said about to leave but Seokjin pulled his arm.

"Kookie, what is he doing here?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"I don't know. That is why I will talk to him." Jungkook said.

Seokjin let him go but Eun Woo was almost near them when he suddenly hugged Jungkook.

"Thank you for last night." He said a little bit louder which made Seokjin's eyes widened.

"Seokjin, let's go to the cafeteria first?" Yoongi asked, seeing Seokjin's reaction.

Yoongi and Hoseok were trying to pull him.

"Here's your phone. You forgot it at the hotel." Eun Woo said and that's the last string for Seokjin.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now