1|Kiss on first date.

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-you said you don't kiss on first dates.
-yeah, i don't but i want to change my rules for you.

"You're being rude now." I ignore the voice, my hand busy in sweeping the table clean. A tap on my shoulder, I ignore, another I react.
"I will get fired. Just leave." I strut my way towards the kitchen area,my feet being followed by his.

"Seyran, listen to me, just once." His voice strikes my attention and for an instant my eyes meet his.

Ferit. He stands, leaning against the door frame in a white t-shirt and a genuine black leather jacket and branded shoes. Just the typical apperance of rich brat who is attending University just for fun because people like him care least about grades and degree as the position of CEO will be served to him on silver platter just because he happens to born in an affluent family of business tycoons. It barely matters if he is capable or not because luck is on his side, he's the only son and hence the only heir of his family.

On the other hand,girls like me are told by our society that studying is useless,we should rather focus on household chores, getting married and have children.

While I don't hate the idea of learning chores and getting married and children, discouraging education is something I will never understand.
So I fought against my father and his so called values. I fought and I am still fighting for good grades, being in good books of professors and a barely above vulnerable living standards here in Istanbul. Apparently because scholarships only help with the tuition fee and you need more money to pay your bills and my father refused to send me any money and that landed me in an almost full-time job at this local cafe. But things were even harder for me because there was no back up from my family both financial and emotional.
And I was new to city life.

"Shoot. You've only ten minutes." I eye him and he enters, I am early today just like everyday because I not only serve as a waitress here but also look after cleaning sometimes and sometimes when chef's absent,I get to test my cooking skills too. I get paid for it and don't forget to bargain for extras with my typical grumpy boss who looks at his workers as if they're nothing.

"Seyran, please, help me out." He stands inches before me and his colonge hits me so hard that I want to store it in my lungs,the expensive air I was breathing.

"You need to cheat?" I ask him, moving closer,I am enticed by the scent.

"Nah,not that. I mean, I think I'll pass this test, I wanna talk about last night,you know, I messaged you and explained to you." He scratches his nape and licks his lucious lips. I lick mine as a reflex and realise my lips are chapped. I taste blood that perhaps oozes out due to a crack on my dry lips.
I am embarrassed but try to play cool.

"Ferit,five minutes left."
"Only two minutes have passed." He says eyeing his watch on his wrist that must have costed him the amount of money I could never make even in a decade with this job.

"I need to pee,three minutes are deducted there." I tell him and he laughs awkwardly. I am sure no girl or boy has treated him like this. So he's shocked but playing cool just like me.

"Okay." He inhales.
"Be my girlfriend." He exhales.

I laugh genuinely. He looks at me with shock, I tell him it's a good joke and that it has increased the pressure in my bladder. I want to pee.

"No,you got me wrong. I want you to act like one." He says, now serious but still awkward.
I am sure he's judging me.

"Out of all the girls you want me to get involved in your life?" I speak still laughing. I am faking my laugh now.

"I am serious and I am willing to pay." He says sternly. I gulp when his eyes get darker. It's not the first time Ferit is cooking something crooked. Last time I remember,he asked me to be his cousin for one day when his English Professor demanded to resticate him if he didn't let Ferit's family know about Ferit's,well,talents.
We were in our freshmen year then.
He probably thought of me as naive and needy and I agreed because I was one. He paid my flatshare bills for a whole year and in return I saved his ass from getting kicked out of the university.

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