2024 April Poetry Madness April 17 to April 14 Poems

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April Poetry Madness 2024 April 7 to April 14

This is the second batch of my April Poetry Madness challenge poems, (for April 7 to April 14), following daily prompts supplied by Poetry Superhighway, Writer's Digest, Writing Com Dew Drop Inn, and NaPoWriMo. I have included the poem, the prompt, and occasionally a bonus poem or comment or two. I am also cross-posting this on All Poetry, Blog lovin, Cosmos Funnel, FaceBook, Fan Story, Instagram, Linkedin, Medium, Subtack, Wattpad, Writer's Digest, Writing Com, and Twitter. This is probably my last time doing this. Just getting too old to keep up.

You can find my previous entries here:

https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2Qh (this posting)

Comments are welcomed, but keep it civil.

Part OneApril 1PSH Ode to DurianWD Optimistic LetourneauWC Dew Drop InnEaster Bunny -warm up March 31Sarang pabo love foolNaPoWrMo Springtime Flowers Blooming LoveApril 2PSH The Words of the Year 1955 PSHWD Sad and happy daysWC Dew Drop InnNaPoWrMo CageNaPoWrMo It Can't Happen Here April 3Berkeley Mad Pyscotic Pineapple Burns SonnetPSH 2 AI Version Traditional SonnetWD My Musical StreetWC Dew Drop InnNaPoWrMo Ode to Coffee April 4, 2024PSH The Cosmic Dog from GoaWD Don't Make a Mistake Vote for JakeWC Ending Daily Shaving in RetirementNaPoWrMo The Parliament of Owls Decree Death to All HumansAV version The Parliament of Owls Decree Death to All Humans April 5, 2024 PSH Love Expressed Through FoodWD Tell Me No LiesWC Make Baseball Great Again!NaPoWrMo Resurrecting the Dodo Bird April 6 PSH Cosmic Dog From GoaWD Meeting My Fate Minimum PoemWC Daily Ritual DrinksNaPoWrMo Only In SF Part Two April 7 PSH Visiting My Father's GraveBonus: Yakima Dessert BluesWD Meeting My Fate Minimum PoemWC Why Trump?NaPoWrMo Planetary Nut Re-Configuration Program April 8 PSH Area CodesWD My Lucky NumberWC Economic Perception DelayNaPoWrMo Wish You Were Here April 9PSH Dearly BelovedWD the Major Event of My LifeWC Death to All HumansNaPoWrMo My Dysfunctional Family April 10 PSH You Can't Write That!WD Better Political Discourse NeededWC Green Trees Don't Make ItAI Bing VersionNaPoWrMo Ode to My Coffee Pot April 11 PSH Quote Poem About 9-11WD Crazy Love NonetWC April 11—Eclipse/d two Lunatic Lune Poems about the EclipseNaPoWrMo Tribute to John Dean April12 PSH Subway JourneyWD Old Man Lost In His Old MemoriesWC Civil War 2.0NaPoWrMo 11 One Liners April 13 PSH First Time to Eat KimchiWD Five Trumpian Humor Poetic FragmentsWC April 13—Discovery Shooting Down the Alien VisitorsNaPoWrMo Saga of Big Daddy April 14 PSH 99 Haiku TBCWD life worth LivingWC Tech PeevesNaPoWrMo Shy Man Fishing Part Three April 15 PSHWDWC April 15 Lament Drifting Towards Civil War 2.0 Japan April 16 to 19 write prompts write poems April 20-21 or pre-write April 14 or 15 April 16 PSHWDWC No RainNaPoWrMo April17 PSHWDWC Prove Something - God's Demented Sense of HumorNaPoWrMo April 18 PSHWDWC Question something -The basic deceny and sanity of AmericansNaPoWrMo April 19PSHWDWC ScumbagologyNaPoWrMo April 20 PSHWDWC Comedy - The Donald Trump Show is Getting OldNaPoWrMo Part Four TBCPart Five TBCBegin Poems PSH Area Code HaikuArea Code Haikus

415 SF Bay Area code

510 East Bay Area code

503 Medford, Oregon

703 DC Area Coes



makes a good morning


makes everything


morning coffee


to the last damn cup

PSH This poetry writing prompt was submitted by Kelley White:

Area Code Haiku!

in Philadelphia, we have two basic codes, 125 &amp: 267, so maybe one-two-five or two-six-seven syllables:

2024 April Poetry Madness April 7 to April 14 PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now