°°ᴍɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇ°° 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓫𝓲𝓷

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Note - (°) refers to Kissing scenes

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Note - (°) refers to Kissing scenes

Yeonjun ran through the forest while many assains chased him " STOP RIGHT THERE OR ELSE IT WON'T BE GOOD FOR YOU!" One of the assains shouted but Yeonjun kept running. Words echoed in his ears

" Run for your life, Yeonjun-ah. Go away! Go towards the forest and run until you see a small white and brown house "

The boy was running from past half and hour but he was still unable to find that house but he wasn't the one to give up, he ran as fast as he can. Not for himself but for them, who pampered him and raised him.

Suddenly, a idea popped inside his mind " run Yeonjun" Saying this he started running here and there which confused the assains , he looked behind him to see no one following him but he suddenly fell inside something..


His body hit the water and started sinking " Am i going to die? Is this my end? " He thought.


Yeonjun felt a hand wrapping around his waist and taking him out of water but Before he could see the face of his saviour everything blacked out.


Yeonjun opened his eyes in a unfamiliar room painted with white and brown. He looked around to see nothing but a king sized bed, a wooden side table which had a book on it, a white coloured couch, some windows and a study table. The room was filled with details of white and brown and it didn't take him long to realise that the destination he was searching for is this one.

The door opened revealing a tall male who was wearing white baggy pants and a black tshirt , he was holding a tray in hand which held a bowl full of soup. " You gained conscious , that's great" The deep voiced male added looking at Yeonjun before keeping the tray on the side table.

" I-I was told to...c-ome here" The other male looked at him before nodding " Yeah, I know and I also knew it from the beginning that this day will come for sure" Yeonjun was confused by what the other male just said.

" I know you are confused so, I may tell you that.. Your brother and brother-in-law took a loan from my father which they weren't able to return and the assains that chased you here were his. Your brother and I were college friends and he asked me to take care of you since I..loved you . He asked me to tell you this" Soobin said taking out a letter from his pocket and handing Yeonjun.

Dear Junnie,
I know soobin already told you everything and now when you are reading this, I am already gone. Don't worry I will be safe there with your brother-in-law, I handed you over to someone very special to me. He will take care of you and Love you alot, I am really sorry for not telling you this beforehand but I couldn't gather the courage to discuss this with you face to face. Take care of yourself and forgive me if possible, Try to love Soobin back. I know it's difficult but that boy really adore you and Love you. Take care of yourself and soobin, I will be watching you from heaven with your brother-in-law.

Your Hyunnie

Tears fell on the paper as his hands trembled " H-yung" he choked on his saliva. Soobin hugged him tightly and rubbed his back " cry as much as you want, princess. Nobody's stopping you"

It's been a month since Yeonjun is staying with soobin, his brother was right. Soobin loved him, more than anyone and anything in this world he took care of him throughout the month and without realising Yeonjun slowly fell in soobin's love.

Just like a normal day, Yeonjun came to the house after walking in the garden when he heard soobin say
" I know Tae, but, I don't think yeonjun love me. I think I should just give up, he will never love me... Yeah, I will go the blind date you asked me.. Okay , see you" Soobin cut the call and turn around to see Yeonjun standing there with tears eyes.

" Y-Yeon--" soobin was interrupted when a a soft pair of lips pressed on his. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around soobin's neck pulling him closer while soobin who frozed came back to reality and started kissing him back. He sucked Yeonjun's lower lips and he opened his mouth making soobin's tongue enter.

Soobin's tongue tasted every corner of Yeonjun's mouth, after sometime, they pulled away " What was that for?" Soobin asked breathing heavily and Yeonjun grabbed his colour before again pulling him into a messy kiss..

This time it wasn't soft but rough and wild. There tongue's fought for dominance and ofcourse, Soobin win the game. They both were eating eachother but they were interrupted by a phone call, Yeonjun was about to pull away but soobin pulled him by his waist not letting him go.

Yeonjun tapped soobin's shoulder indicating that he was out of breath and soobin finally moved away.
" Idiot! I love you" Soobin's eyes brightened hearing this.
" I love you too, princess" Saying this Soobin again pulled him into a soppy kiss..

He tapped Yeonjun's thigh and Yeonjun jumped wrapping his legs around soobin's waist. " Lemme show you my love darling" soobin said in between the kiss before again pulling him into a kiss and went towards his bedroom.

2 missed calls from hobi water


Next chapter will be out on Monday , next week maybe.

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