chapter one : Tale of two cities

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Rachel's P.O.V

"so hope you all enjoyed this weeks video like and subscribe" Elle smiled into the camera as she pulled a funny face she turned her head to look at me and we both burst out laughing as we ended our 'blender challenge' video for our YouTube channel 'girls online'.

"I cant wait to start editing this video its so gross and hilarious" I mumbled out through the giggles. I looked down to the floor and saw a load of food had been dropped and decided to do the obvious thing and pick it up and do a smack cam against Elle's face. "Smack cam Bitch !!!" ,I shouted as my hand full of horrible food came in direct contact with her perfectly makeup-ed face.

"RACHEL !!! WHAT THE HELL MY HAIR !!! AND MY MAKEUP!!" ,she shouted back angrily but I knew she was holding in her laugh. however I decided it was not a good idea to stay here tho so I took off running out of the kitchen and out through the back door and into the back yard where I felt heavy rain pour down in my face and I could hear Elle shouting at me and how she will seek revenge I turned quickly as I saw her race out the back door. I decided to take a sharp turn onto the wet decking at the side of the house but I misjudged my timing and ended up slipping. I tried to block my fall by turning slightly but as I hit the ground with a shot of pain I realized what a stupid mistake that was.

"Dumb fuck" I could Elle shout in the distance and we both burs out in a fit of laughter.

after two long showers the two of us are all cosy in warm pajamas and wrapped up near the fire this Irish rain is horrible and we decide to watch a horror to distract ourselves.

We decided to watch Ouija as neither of us have seen it. Elle being Elle wasn't that scared and pulled out her phone. Me on the other hand, yeah you could say i was close to peeing in my pants I held a cushion close to my face but peered over the top in case i would miss anything. just as i could sense something bad was about to happen due to the sudden light change and the cliche high pitched piano melody :

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" shouted El at the top of her lungs.

Which in turn caused me to fall off the sofa in shock and nearly give me heart failure.

"El what the hell is wrong with you !!" i roared at her cautious i would wake my family up if she had failed to do so already.

"RACHEL! OMG! HAVE YOU CHECKED OUR YOUTUBE YET?!" she shouted at me so loud I think the whole town heard her.

"eh no I am currently watching a movie?" puzzled as to why she felt the need for me to check I logged on to our YouTube account to be greeted by a huge 100,000 followers!!!.

"WHAT THE HELL THIS IS AMAZING !! THIS IS SOO COOL we need to do a thank you video" I shouted as loud as I could. both over whelmed we started jumping around with joy.

It was almost six thirty in the morning when my phone rudely woke both El and I up with a strange number appearing on the screen I was hesitant to answer as I had all the numbers I needed. El raised her eyebrow and let out a sigh as she grabbed the phone from my grasp and slid her thumb across the screen to answer it, while I encouraged her to put it on loudspeaker so I could listen as well

"hello ?" el questioned into the phone

"hi is this Rachel Grey, part of the YouTube sensation duo girls online" this anonymous voice said into the phone. I gave Elle a questioned look. she gave me a nod and carried on with the conversation.

"no this is actually the other half Elle smith, but Rachel is here listening in as well how can we help you,strange anonymous caller man?"

"oh yeah sorry I'm John Baxter I'm a producer for Awesomeness t.v I understand the time differences between America and Ireland so I will keep this brief. On behalf of Awesomeness T.V we would like to personally fly you both out to L.A for 6 months and we will provide you with housing . We are inviting you both to come and film some videos for us, do interviews and public appearances if you are interested in this offer just hit us up in any of the services that are all up on the websites before July 7th and we will get everything into place"

speechless, we both simply screamed into the phone probably deafening the poor mans ear

" I look forward to hearing from you soon" and with that he hung up.

With that the conversation ended, once again me and Elle we screaming and jumping up and down around the place. inevitably we woke the whole house up and we told them the good news.

"so girls are you going to take him up on the offer? its a big deal moving away together to an unknown place at such a tender age" my mom questioned us after we had explained the whole story to my family.

"mom i'm turning 21 in December El's is almost 20 we are mature enough for this and I think we should definitely take this opportunity" she glanced at me but elle and I have both agreed that moving to L.A was going to be the best thing that has ever happened to us. after another quick phone call it was all set, me and my best friend were going to be moving to Los Angeles for an opportunity of a lifetime all thanks to our YouTube channel.


A/N : Hello readers, if you are reading this I thank you kindly and would like to reasure you I have great intentions for this fan fiction. also don't lose hope as the girls will meet the janoskians I am just trying to make it realistic as I have read a few .. make that ALOT and the characters met within the first few paragraphs so I intend not to do that and make it as interesting as I can, also if you have any feedback that will contribute towards this story I would appreciate it all. Also uploading will be a random as I currently hold down 3 different jobs and am still currently in school.

if anyone is reading this I ask you to please vote, comment and share with friends thank you all X

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