Chance Encounter

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Avery settles into their seat, the familiar flutter of nerves stirring in their stomach as they take in the bustling lecture hall. The first day of the semester always brings a mix of excitement and trepidation, and this elective course on creative writing is no exception. Avery's gaze sweeps across the room, cataloging each unfamiliar face, before finally settling on the empty seat beside them.

A moment later, the chair beside Avery shifts, and they instinctively turn their head, drawn by the movement. Their breath catches in their throat as their eyes land on the newcomer - a study in effortless grace and quiet confidence. Avery's pulse quickens, and they find themselves unable to look away.

The stranger, Devin, meets Avery's gaze with a subtle tilt of their head, their lips curving into a faint, enigmatic smile. There's an undercurrent of curiosity and intrigue in their expression, and Avery feels a spark of electricity pass between them, igniting a spark of curiosity within.

As the professor begins the lecture, Avery finds their focus wavering, their attention pulled inexorably towards the captivating individual seated beside them. Devin's every movement, every soft breath, seems to demand Avery's rapt attention. The way their elegant fingers twirl a pen, the way their eyes crinkle slightly as they listen intently to the professor's words - it's all Avery can do to keep from staring openly.

Avery's mind races, grasping at fragments of information about the stranger, piecing together an incomplete portrait. Devin's effortless style, the way they hold themself with an air of casual confidence, suggests an artistic temperament, perhaps a creative soul. Avery wonders what brought them to this elective course, what dreams and aspirations lie hidden beneath that enigmatic facade.

The lecture drifts on, but Avery's thoughts refuse to be tamed, dancing ever closer to the intriguing individual beside them. They find themself longing to know more, to unravel the mysteries that seem to cling to Devin like a cloak. And when, by chance, their fingers brush against each other as they reach for the same pen, Avery feels an electric jolt that sends a shiver down their spine.

Electricity crackles in the air between them, a palpable tension that Avery can scarcely ignore. They chance a glance at Devin, only to find the other student's gaze burning into them, a spark of undeniable interest flickering in their eyes. Avery's cheeks flush with heat, their heart pounding in their ears as they quickly turn their attention back to the lecture, desperately trying to regain their composure.

The class drags on, each minute feeling like an eternity, and Avery finds themself counting down the seconds until the bell finally rings, signaling the end of the session. As the other students begin to gather their belongings and file out of the room, Avery lingers, hesitating for a moment before gathering the courage to turn to Devin.

"Hi, I'm Avery," they say, offering a shy smile. "I, um, I noticed you're new to this class. I'd be happy to show you around campus, if you'd like."

Devin's gaze meets Avery's, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. There's a flicker of something unreadable in their expression, a hint of guardedness that immediately piques Avery's curiosity. But then, slowly, a smile spreads across Devin's lips, and they nod, their voice smooth and captivating as they reply, "I'd like that. Lead the way, Avery."

As Avery leads Devin out of the lecture hall, their heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation, they can't help but feel that this chance encounter has set in motion something extraordinary - a connection that promises to challenge and transform them in ways they could never have imagined.

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