Falling chickens

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'He's wearing his favorite blue tie today. Must be in a good mood'

Y/n couldn't have been more wrong. His boss walked to his desk and slammed down the last week's report he submitted.

"I asked you for an article on Jennifer Lawrence's pregnancy", He said. His boss was an obese man with US size twenty shoes. He always wore suspenders, even when he went to sleep with his wife. And his lips flapped like a walrus when he talked.

"But Jennifer Lawrence is not pregnant. They're just rumours started by thirteen year olds on twitter", y/n monotonously spoke.

"Yeah! And they're doing a way better job than you!",

"My article is about victims of online sexual assault. I'm voicing these very same thirteen year olds. We as the media keep on feeding them the idea that modern life is all about being sexually attractive to the opposite gender. I'm warning these girls against people who could exploit their puberty before they end up with a life they're ashamed of", y/n argued. He took the folder from his boss's hands and flipped a couple pages.

"Look here. Angela, age 16, she's literally the same age as your daughter-", he started narrating a case but was cut off when his boss grabbed him by the scruff and jerked him forward.

"Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth, you understand that?!", his boss poked a finger at his chest and yelled in his face as strings of his saliva flew out.

"Now here's something you need to hear, retard. People will only listen to the truth as long as the truth is what they want to listen. Am I clear!?", he barked in y/n's face.

"Yes sir...", y/n said looking down at his desk.

His boss let go of him and put his thumbs into the straps of his suspenders.

"Pack your things. You're fired",


Y/n loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt as he walked on the streets. On his right was the wide river where the evening sun was sinking in. Over in front of him was the bridge where high speed cars drove by. There was a bench on the bridge where he would usually find her sitting. She got off work before him and could be seen smoking a cigarette alone in her white doctor's coat.

They had been meeting each other for weeks now. They didn't talk much, he didn't know her name either. They just shared each other's company for the evening and told each other about what's been bothering them.

Their conversations could range from running out of toilet paper to wanting to end it all. Usually they talked about what's been eating them on the inside, something related to their job. An incident that he couldn't swallow or a patient that she couldn't save.

Like everyday he found her smoking a whole pack of cigarettes by herself. Dark circles had wrinkled beneath her eyes. Her lips were dry and chapped. She had a dead stare at the cars passing in front of her but turned her head and softly smiled at him when she saw y/n place his bag down on the bench.

He took off his shirt and was now in a white cotton vest as he sat down next to her. She put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Y/n sighed because he knew she did that when something bad had happened.

"What's wrong?", he asked her

"A woman had been coming to me with complaints about a stomach ache for days now. But my employers didn't let me help her. She stopped visiting me in the past couple of days. Turns out she had a benign tumor building up in her uterus. Couldn't get a surgery because she lacked the finances and slowly died while tolerating the pain", she said and then fell silent.

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