the beginning

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(3rd Person POV)

It was just another boring day. The sun was shining like always, and Akito's eyes drooped, probably from overworking. Akito leaned on the table pondering life decisions and regretting letting the Vivid Bad Squad drag him to a random cafe. He was in a foul mood today, guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, who knows?

"Akito, whatcha thinking about?"

Akito snapped out of his line of thought as An bounced around him, her lively attitude slowly pissing him off.

"Nothing, mind your own business."

"Your attitude is bad today," Toya remarked, "Did something go wrong?"

(Akito POV)

Nothing was wrong really, I just felt weird today. Yesterday, I stayed up late, practicing in order to improve and it really affected my health I guess? It was that but the real reason was An who was making him like this. Her face, the way her voice sounds, was perf- no, what am I thinking? The warm feeling surrounding his chest whenever she was around was too strong to ignore. (the little ginger is in denial)

"I'm fine, Toya" I stated blankly.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my forehead, and I heard a familiar voice. "Hmm, you don't have a fever, wonder what's wrong?"

I turned around to see An's hand on my forehead... Her face is so clos-

I blushed a deep shade of red once I realized... A-AN?

"Hey, his face is turning red, maybe he has a cold?" Kohane asked An.

"N-No," words failed to come out of my mouth with An so close to me. I slapped her hand off and An looked hurt. "I told ya, I'm fine!" I snapped. Damn, why do I feel like this?

"Hello gay- I mean guys what do you want today?" the waiter interrupted us, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Ignoring her earlier statement, we all put in our orders.

A few moments later, our food was here.

I stared at the fluffy pancake decorated with strawberries, heart gummies, and words spelled out from animal crackers to spell "LOVE" and wondered if it was a coincidence. I turned to see the waiter winking at me from the kitchen. I let out a sign before wondering how much she knew.

The pancakes were soft and melted in my mouth. I would eat this every day if I had the money to buy it. 

Whilst I was eating, I kept sneaking glances at An, admiring her face and eyes. Toya caught me and gave me a quizzical look before sipping his coffee.

Finally, when I was about to take a bite of a strawberry, I realized: do I have a crush on An? No way! Right? Right... I stared at her again, but this time she looked at me too before flashing me one of her beautiful smiles. I had to turn my face so she wouldn't see my red ears. After a couple of minutes, we were done with our little lunch break and started practicing our latest songs. As we headed home, I bickered with An for a little bit about whether we should change that one lyric or not and we all went our different ways.

(AN: Thanks for reading this book! This book may have some writing mistakes so please feel free to give me suggestions or corrections! This is my first time writing a Wattpad story, so I might discontinue :3)

"𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?" akian sillies :3Where stories live. Discover now